Lets hear your funniest fish story!


On one of the other discussion threads there was a funny story about tricking an innocent bystandered into smelling the protein skimmer.(How funny!)
And it dawned on me we discuss a lot of serious issues here and seldom get to laugh at ourselves and share it with others who can relate. So, lets hear your funny fish stories or experiences. Never hurts to laugh at yourself and laugh with others.
I'll start.
About ten years ago I had an all agressive tank with all the typical stuff; lions, groupers and eels.
I came home from work tired and hot from a typical Arizona summer. I got into the shower and was just getting lathered up with shampoo when my wife yelled for me to "come quick!"
I was worried something horrible was going on by the way she screamed. So into the living room I ran, shampoo in hair with a towel around my waist. As I sprinted into the room I saw my 4 foot snowflake eel writhing on the carpet!
Now this was not a first time event as we had named him "Houdini" and he could escape any effort to keep him detained. But this was a little different.

I began trying to wrestle him back into the tank. Have you ever tried to grab a wet eel with wet hands? How about with shampoo running into your burning eyes? Not an easy task. He was doing his best to bite the sh*t out of me while I wrapped the towel around him, you know the towel I had around my waist.
So here I am butt

, in the living room, shampoo in my eyes and blindly trying to capture one very unhappy eel! Could this be any worse? :thinking:
My neighbors wife, my wifes best friend, decided to make one of her unscheduled and unannounced visits. Talk about a kodak moment! I will never forget the look on her face as she opened the door yelling "hello!" Then the dead silence as everyone in the room fully realized what they were seeing. A grown man, an eel and both of us as

as the day we were born.
The only good thing about this is she now calls before a visit.
We laugh and talk about it to this day!


BTW, my wife reminded me that Houdini was not 4 feet long, more like 3 feet.
Hey, I'm a guy, I have a problem with giving an accurate length about other "things" as well.


reef diver

Active Member
At the moment, I don't have a tank of my own, but that has to be one of the funniest things I ever heard.


Originally Posted by Reef Diver
At the moment, I don't have a tank of my own, but that has to be one of the funniest things I ever heard.


Originally Posted by moby
On one of the other discussion threads there was a funny story about tricking an innocent bystandered into smelling the protein skimmer.(How funny!)
And it dawned on me we discuss a lot of serious issues here and seldom get to laugh at ourselves and share it with others who can relate. So, lets hear your funny fish stories or experiences. Never hurts to laugh at yourself and laugh with others.
I'll start.
About ten years ago I had an all agressive tank with all the typical stuff; lions, groupers and eels.
I came home from work tired and hot from a typical Arizona summer. I got into the shower and was just getting lathered up with shampoo when my wife yelled for me to "come quick!"
I was worried something horrible was going on by the way she screamed. So into the living room I ran, shampoo in hair with a towel around my waist. As I sprinted into the room I saw my 4 foot snowflake eel writhing on the carpet!
Now this was not a first time event as we had named him "Houdini" and he could escape any effort to keep him detained. But this was a little different.

I began trying to wrestle him back into the tank. Have you ever tried to grab a wet eel with wet hands? How about with shampoo running into your burning eyes? Not an easy task. He was doing his best to bite the sh*t out of me while I wrapped the towel around him, you know the towel I had around my waist.
So here I am butt

, in the living room, shampoo in my eyes and blindly trying to capture one very unhappy eel! Could this be any worse? :thinking:
My neighbors wife, my wifes best friend, decided to make one of her unscheduled and unannounced visits. Talk about a kodak moment! I will never forget the look on her face as she opened the door yelling "hello!" Then the dead silence as everyone in the room fully realized what they were seeing. A grown man, an eel and both of us as

as the day we were born.
The only good thing about this is she now calls before a visit.
We laugh and talk about it to this day!



That is really funny. I don't have any stories of my own but I hope to soon. My girlfriend and I really enjoyed it. Thanks and I'm sorry you are the only one with a story.


Active Member
Many years ago I had a freshwater tank as a headboard, it was filled with Oscars. One day I woke up with a rather dead Oscar laying on the pillow next to me, he had jumped out of the tank. Kinda one of those moments where you open your eyes and and see something staring at you, freaked the -#ap out of me, just about had a heart attack



Thats great! Sort'a like an aquatic version of the horse head in the bed scene from the godfather! Very funny!
Anyone else?


One day, I was staring into my tank just gazing around. You guys know how it is, anyways. I could'nt have been in a more relaxed state of mind. Then....... all of a sudden something shot out of one of my rocks at the speed of light coming right for the glass. It scared the Sh!^ out of me. I jumped back from the tank quick as he!!. Still to this day I have know idea what it was that came out of the rock, I could'nt even tell you what it looked like because it happened so quick. I'm just now getting to where I can relax looking at my tank again.LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
About ten years ago I had an all agressive tank with all the typical stuff; lions, groupers and eels.
I came home from work tired and hot from a typical Arizona summer. I got into the shower and was just getting lathered up with shampoo when my wife yelled for me to "come quick!"
I was worried something horrible was going on by the way she screamed. So into the living room I ran, shampoo in hair with a towel around my waist. As I sprinted into the room I saw my 4 foot snowflake eel writhing on the carpet!
Now this was not a first time event as we had named him "Houdini" and he could escape any effort to keep him detained. But this was a little different.

I began trying to wrestle him back into the tank. Have you ever tried to grab a wet eel with wet hands? How about with shampoo running into your burning eyes? Not an easy task. He was doing his best to bite the sh*t out of me while I wrapped the towel around him, you know the towel I had around my waist.
So here I am butt

, in the living room, shampoo in my eyes and blindly trying to capture one very unhappy eel! Could this be any worse? :thinking:
My neighbors wife, my wifes best friend, decided to make one of her unscheduled and unannounced visits. Talk about a kodak moment! I will never forget the look on her face as she opened the door yelling "hello!" Then the dead silence as everyone in the room fully realized what they were seeing. A grown man, an eel and both of us as

as the day we were born.
The only good thing about this is she now calls before a visit.
We laugh and talk about it to this day!

I think hallmark makes a card for that...


I dug this up from another fish board I used to post to. I can't believe that I found it. I was going to retell the story, but it was two years ago. I couldn't write it quite as well the second time around.
I just had the most surreal experience in my short fish keeping life...
My husband and I just had to perform an emergency fish extraction; it went something like this...
Setting: I'm doing a water change; hubby is watching Lord of the Rings III...I lift my tall, rocky decoration from the bottom of the tank to clean under it...unbeknownst to me, my Copadichromis azureus slips into the decoration through the manufactured hole on the bottom of the decoration for a bit of an explore. twenty minutes later, after the water change is complete, I notice I'm missing a fish...
Me: "Honey, I'm missing a fish..."
Him: "I'm sure he's in there somewhere." (continues to watch LOTR 3)
Me: "I can't find him."
Him: "It's not like he can go anywhere..."
Me: "But I don't see him."
Him: "Did you suck him up?"
Me: (check the size of the vacuum hose) "No, the hose is too small."
Him: "Did you bury him in the sand?"
Me: "No, I did not bury him in the sand." (quitely poke the sand with the algea scraper)
Him: "Well. He's in there." (continues watching movie)
Me: (poke around for 5 minutes) "Do you think he got into the rock?"
Him: "Maybe." (continues to watch move?)
Me: "Do you think he can get out?"
Him: "Probably." (still watching movie)
Me: "If I slowly lift the rock up, maybe he'll fall out..." (not my brightest moment)
Him: "Maybe. Try it." (Not his brightest moment either)
Me: (slowly lift rock, hold rock in my hands until I feel violent thrashing inside) "Oh, no! He's inside!"
Him: "Yeah?" (still watching)
Me: (put rock back in water to provide life giving water to favorite fish) "What if he can't get out!?!?!?"
Him: "Hhhhmmm." (Still watching movie)
Me: (panic for several minutes and move rock (in water) to several different positions in vain attempt to provide safe passage for fishy friend)
Him: (still watching movie)
ten minutes later
Me: "What if he's dead?"
Him: "That would suck." (movie)
Me: "What if he's alive, but can't get out?"
Him: "He'll probably die."
Me: "What should we do?"
Him: "Well. It's either the $20 rock or $20 fish, I guess."
Me: (ponder whether male fish can find it's way out of the rock) "I don't think he can find his way out. Will you help me break the rock?"
Him: (pauses the movie to ponder the idea of destroying something) "Ok."
He dons the LED reading light that fits over one's ear and grabs the jaws of life (a hammer and screwdriver) as i prepare to remove rock from water for emergency extraction. He peers in all the holes of the rock trying to ascertain the location of the victim, and then he places the screwdriver at a precise angle and then procedes to pound the snot out of it with the hammer. Pieces of fake rock go flying, fish starts violently thrashing, I start screaming ("Hang on, baby! Mommy's coming! Stay away from the light!!!"). The rock breaks open, out flops the fish which I immediately scoop up and toss into the tank.
Him: "Are you going to give it mouth to mouth?"
Him: "Is he supposed to float like that?"
Him: "Just kidding."
Me: "I don't know if I can handle that again! Now can I get some natural rocks??? I can order them on line and with shipping they'll only cost $175" {I have no idea how much they'd actually cost, but why not aim high to begin with}
Him: (stares at me as if Ihave three heads)
Me: "Hhmm...we'll see."
The moral of this very true story? There really is no moral except Down with Store Decor!!!!


Sounds like you barely diverted a kalamity!

Great story, at least he removed the decoration from the tank before applying the hammer, that would have a not so happy ending to your story.
Keep'um coming guys, these are great!



By the way, I did get the rock....it didn't cost $175, but we did lose that fish during Wilma this past year. I was heartbroken. We'd been through so much together....
I meant to say, however, before I posted my little "play", that that story, Moby, was the funniest thing I've ever read! I could totally picture that in my head....Brad Pitt, no towel, thrashing eel.... :thinking:


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
On one of the other discussion threads there was a funny story about tricking an innocent bystandered into smelling the protein skimmer.(How funny!)
And it dawned on me we discuss a lot of serious issues here and seldom get to laugh at ourselves and share it with others who can relate. So, lets hear your funny fish stories or experiences. Never hurts to laugh at yourself and laugh with others.
I'll start.
About ten years ago I had an all agressive tank with all the typical stuff; lions, groupers and eels.
I came home from work tired and hot from a typical Arizona summer. I got into the shower and was just getting lathered up with shampoo when my wife yelled for me to "come quick!"
I was worried something horrible was going on by the way she screamed. So into the living room I ran, shampoo in hair with a towel around my waist. As I sprinted into the room I saw my 4 foot snowflake eel writhing on the carpet!
Now this was not a first time event as we had named him "Houdini" and he could escape any effort to keep him detained. But this was a little different.

I began trying to wrestle him back into the tank. Have you ever tried to grab a wet eel with wet hands? How about with shampoo running into your burning eyes? Not an easy task. He was doing his best to bite the sh*t out of me while I wrapped the towel around him, you know the towel I had around my waist.
So here I am butt

, in the living room, shampoo in my eyes and blindly trying to capture one very unhappy eel! Could this be any worse? :thinking:
My neighbors wife, my wifes best friend, decided to make one of her unscheduled and unannounced visits. Talk about a kodak moment! I will never forget the look on her face as she opened the door yelling "hello!" Then the dead silence as everyone in the room fully realized what they were seeing. A grown man, an eel and both of us as

as the day we were born.
The only good thing about this is she now calls before a visit.
We laugh and talk about it to this day!

That has GOT to be one of the funniest things I've ever read!!!


I could totally picture that in my head....Brad Pitt, no towel, thrashing eel...
Brad Pitt.... um... yeah... okay.
Well I was going to post my picture on the other discussion thread but I think it would only ruin your image. But thanks kalamity, the wife got a good chuckle over that, and my ego never felt better!

Truth be known, more like Gene Wilder, hows that for an image?!? Jk