Lets play a game! Guess how many!


Active Member
Ok.. gonna try something. It may be difficult because the pics will be shrunk.. but if you save the pics to your computer you can blow them up which will give you a significant 'edge'.
In the first pic I will post I want you to tell me how many shrimp are in the picture. I then want you to name which type of shrimp you see. The winner will be the first to post how many and the correct species.
In the second pic I want you to identify as many live animals as possible. Coras/inverts/fish. Also saying for example: hippo tangs will only count as saying 1 hippo tang.. I want an exact number. So if I had 10 hippo tangs I want you to type 10 hippo tangs < got it? Also I want each invert/coral correctly identified. Saying 'mushrooms' will only count as a single coral. You must describe the coral or give the proper name in order to have it count towards your total. Also if there are for example: 10 mushrooms on a rock you dont need to give me a number.. just as long as you know they are mushrooms and identify them as such you'll be fine.. its impossible to count all the mushrooms on some rocks. The winner is the one who has the most total live animals counted and correct.
The first picture should be guessed fairly quick/easily. The second will be much harder.. So..
Good luck!



Active Member
Originally Posted by Aelene
I'm fairly sure I only see two sexy shrimp in the first pic :thinking:
Just so you all know im keeping a good eye on this post of mine.. so go ahead and guess and if you're wrong I probably wont reply back (except this time so people know im paying attention). Your guess is incorrect. Keep trying! :)


Active Member
That is the correct answer! Congrats. Feel free to circle them to show everybody :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Lol, nice thinkin man...is this another method of getting an extire tank ID? Lol, nice work.
? :p I know what everything in my tanks are :p I wouldnt put something in that I dont know.
Also to space_geek. Feel free to post the picture circling the shrimp. Nobody has truely 'proved' they know where all of them are yet ;)


Active Member
Nope. They are just small shrimp! :p The sexy shrimp on the bottom right is only showing his tail... that one was tricky ;)


Active Member
Feel free to start guessing on the second pic now :) i'll judge them tomorrow and we'll see who is the best at telling their reef animals at a glance.
*hint: make sure to look VERY carefully at the photo and try to 'blow' the photo up as much as you can. There is a lot of smaller hard to see things hidden in the pic... but if your eye is well trained at the creatures of the reef then you should have no problem in giving me positive id's :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by clown123
10 or 8 on the second only the fish rite?
I want to know how many of each you see. I am looking for AS MANY >>CORAL<< >>INVERTS<< >>FISH<< as you can see.


well lets see, i will start on the 2nd one
1 GSP colony
1 yellow tang
1 blue algae feeding clip
1 blood red fire shrimp
1 scarlet skunk shrimp
1 turbo snail
2 true percula clowns
2 stalks of pulsing xenia
1 yellow figi leather
1 toadstool leather
2 colt frags
3 blue mushrooms
thats enuff for now, my eyeballs hurt


Active Member
3 red mushrooms
3 GSP colony
2 TS
1 open brain
3 blue shrooms
3 colt/fingers
candycane w/ 6 heads?
1 yellow slug ?
3 chromis
2 percs
1 fire shrimp
1 clam
3 stalks, xenia, pompom
1 YT
6 hairy shrooms
1 fox coral ?
6 tan shrooms
some snails