let's see all those FOWLR tanks!



thanks aquariumrookie. My 55 has about 20 lbs of LR the rest is all old hard coral. In the 75 there is about 50 lbs of LR. The only think that is plastic is the large rock structure on the right.
i can get pics soon but i am sort in the middle of a project with my tank right now, but once my little project is finished i'll post some pics.....what i want to do is keep a king, blue and queen angel in my 580,i am just waiting untill my lfs gets them


This is a fairly new setup (12/27/07) with two Clownfish and a Pink Spotted Watchman so far. As you can see, the setup is a little......er....different. My wife is a huge fan of red, black and white (Mickey Mouse), and she set this one up, much to the amazement of me and our local LFS! The red sand was the hardest part, it took her months to find, but she was determined!
