lets see pictures of your agressive tank


New Member
Here are a few pics of mine, if this works. Just click on the following link: http://www.msnusers.com/aquariumpics then click on pictures tab on the left. You can click on any picture to make it bigger. The eel in the pics is what I am calling a hawaiin spotted leopard. Does anyone know if that is correct. The other pride and joy is my stars a stripes puffer. I also have two panther groupers, a green moray and a snowflake. I will try and get pics of those guys also. Enjoy.


Originally Posted by DAVE_15
Nice tanks What do you keep in them? How big is your tank
Thanks again and kool tanks

Thanks everyone. This is a 220.


New Member
Originally Posted by DAVE_15
Nice tanks What do you keep in them? How big is your tank
Thanks again and kool tanks

Thanks Dave, mine is a 125.


Newer Pics. eel in his home then my niger about to go in his home then in his home i cant catch the angler he only come out when the lights are off and the rectangular i dont ha :happyfish ve any new pictures
