let's see some anthia's


Active Member
Just got him yesterday, very excited to have him. LFS called it a sailfin anthias,swf.com calls it a blue-eyed, i think its a lyretail anthias. MY shrimp refuse to clean him so far, he has spent most of his first day in my tank just waiting to be clean. Guess the shrimp r closed for summer vacation
. I want to get one more so one becomes a male but someone told me they will fight? is this true? Carole, u have 2 dont u?

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Sandman your new one is a female squamipinnis... the same I have in my 54. I have two females and a male, and multiple females causes no problems...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Excellent... doesn't touch them... there are alot of risky species, but so far I've read no account of a regal bothering sps... and I'm also happy my clams are fine... I have never been so excited and happy about a fish, and I recently saw regal angels in the wild for the first time diving in Guam woo hoo!
With a 135 you should have a shoal of squamipinnis! I'd order multiple females and a male... I have found that I have to feed my male as often as possible as he stays skinny from all of the chasing...

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Two females at a minimum and if you can more... I see you're in highschool so cost may be an issue, but luckily healthy females can be found for just $18... good luck and feed these guys small meals as often as you can...


Active Member
so 3 females? I can do that. I was away on a trip and just got back this mourning. Now that my lights r on i see that my anthias has ich!! Ill have to get him in the qt asap. I have the worst luck with ich.