Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!


Active Member
Here's my little 37gal...I just added a brand new candy cane tonight, bright green and red. I've never seen one like that before. I placed him between the barnacle and the large rock to the left of it...can't wait to see him inflated tomorrow!! :jumping:
Lisa :happyfish


Here's one of my 75g. I just moved it a couple weeks ago and I basicaly threw live rock back and was going to arrange later but I has kind of grown on me now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SALTYGUY
Here's one of my 75g. I just moved it a couple weeks ago and I basicaly threw live rock back and was going to arrange later but I has kind of grown on me now.

Looks good to me

reef diver

Active Member
Beautiful setup giants4pc! How much rock did you use, and what type see some branch in there. IS there a possiblility you can e-mail me side back and top sketches, so I can adapt your set up?


I'm not really sure how to sketch the side and top views. I can take other pictures if you like. I did not use any branch rock. It's a mix of Fiji and Haitain. I would say about 70-80lbs.


Active Member
I like 'em all! Just remeber those who are first setting up a tank. Do the rocks the way you like since you are the one that has to be happy with the way it looks. Just keep in mind that fish like caves and other hiding places. Also think about what corals you may want in the future and setup the rocks with that in mind. It will make things a lot easier.


Here's the tank I set up for the Science museum where I worked...the pic is about a year old, now with more fish and corals
