Lets see some cool aquascaping!!!


My rock work!!! I like the look of the caves, but recently did my friends new 120g with 2 large islands, and its making me wanna change over .....

how do the caves not fall apart??? how do you make them stable??
Its like doing a jigsaw puzzle, you have to work the pieces until they "lock" into place.
My tank has one big cave right in the miffle. kind of hard to see but here are a few pics.



They make a fish/invert safe cement that you can use to hold your rocks together. I'm pretty sure it cures underwater, although it would probably go a lot faster if you took it out.


So far I have several fish and a cleaning crew but plan to start adding invertebrates soon. This is 80 lbs of LR & 60 lbs of base rock in a 44 gal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DRose
So far I have several fish and a cleaning crew but plan to start adding invertebrates soon. This is 80 lbs of LR & 60 lbs of base rock in a 44 gal.
I sure hope that bird doesn't poop in the water that could be disasterous to a tank, nitrate/ammonia spike like no other :scared:


Originally Posted by Jelezoglo
how do the caves not fall apart??? how do you make them stable??
Yeah basically trial and error and once you get them to "lock" dont touch them again ....lol ....Had the caves for awhile now, always loved the look but since i did my friends 120 with islands, my caves are startin to look boring ahhhhh, but the downside to islands is the dont have much room for corals...... :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jelezoglo
how do the caves not fall apart??? how do you make them stable??

Very nice tanks everyone. The caves were built slowly making sure there are good supports on either side. The rocks on top of the cave are adding weight to certain spots which help stabalize it. I also give every rock a good shake to make sure it's stable. I do have one area on my cave that is of concern which I do need to fix before it falls. My algae scraper hits the spot which shakes everything so I avoid cleanig that area right now.


I appreciate everybodies advice.....I'll be rearranging my rocks this weekend with some of the ideas here. :cheer:


Originally Posted by GtiGuy
but the downside to islands is the dont have much room for corals...... :notsure:
yeah i totally agree. very nice look but no room fro corals except the sand bed.


Originally Posted by arsen_36
yeah i totally agree. very nice look but no room fro corals except the sand bed.
I have a FOWLR but plan to add corals when I get a little more experience, I'll keep that in mind