Lets see some KOI Ponds


New Member
My koi pond is going on 3 years old now and im looking to expand it. Im looking for some ideas and would like to see some ponds.


Active Member
i made one a few years ago in 8th grade for a project. It was realy cool. Unfortunaly, here is CT, we had a super cold winter. The pond was about 3.2 feed deep and it froze all the way through!!!!! I had an auger form ice fishing that i would drill in every day to let gases exchange. But by the time it froze to the bottom, i accidentaly broke the lining. everything died *cries*


Active Member
What a beautiful pond. What state are you in?
I'd love to show the two off I made but I never took any pictures of them. Iowa is not the place to have koi ponds all year around.

Since it was my first year with two ponds I didn't buy koi right away and just decided to buy some goldfish. Some of those ornamental ones are really pretty though. It is amazing how much they can grow in a year.
Next year, I'll spring for some koi to add now that I will have a full season to enjoy them.
Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reef4me
Im in Pa.
I used to live in West Chester.
One day, I'm outta Iowa and back in Texas (where I consider home) or in Florida. This cold weather stinks!
Denise M.

joe 09

my pond is 5000+ gal. 2 waterfalls,bridge,self made settling chamber filter.3 bottom drains.it is shut down for the winter.


Originally Posted by reef4me
My koi pond is going on 3 years old now and im looking to expand it. Im looking for some ideas and would like to see some ponds.
you realize this is a saltwater fish forum


Active Member
I have two ponds of 1+ acres in size that I keep koi in. No filtration is used, just aeration, so clarity of water is not the bets but its good to about 3 or 4 feet. Also have one section sectioned off in the one pond with aquatic mesh in which we put fingerling koi and wakins until they get some size on them then its out of the enclosure and into the main portion of the pond........The wife also keeps some wakins and other assorted tropicals in various smaller preforms and whickey barrel water features around the property.
While my koi ponds pics are not up to date (over 1 1/2 years late) due to too slow of an dial up to upload stuff, you can get an idea of what we play with outside.
Can be seen at: http://frugalmachinist.com .........click the Pond Project link


Originally Posted by reef4me
My koi pond is going on 3 years old now and im looking to expand it. Im looking for some ideas and would like to see some ponds.
Wow, very nice. I like it just as is!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
I used to live in West Chester.
One day, I'm outta Iowa and back in Texas (where I consider home) or in Florida. This cold weather stinks!
Denise M.

I lived in WC until last yr, I moved to Coatesville, and am about to move to Texas.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
As soon as our house sells we will be looking around in Euless and Bedford, I want to be near my job. I have never even been to texas
I am taking a job transfere. Home to me is West Chester, won't miss coatesville at all
We are looking forward to the warmer climate in texas. :jumping: Its not florida, but its milder then here

You know, the nickname for Euless is Useless. That is how you know you are from Texas. When you know the Texan nicknames for the towns.

The HEB area is a pretty nice area to live in - although I'd steer clear of Haltom City myself. Euless and Bedford are nice and I have friends that live or lived in those areas. But in all honesty, Arlington isn't all that far away because you have 360 to jump onto. Then there are the main roads in Arlington that you can take straight into Euless if necessary. Something to think about if you need to expand your parameters and need to look at North Arlington for additional housing options. I don't know if you have kids or not, but the Arlington school district as good to me as well with my daughter.
When you first make the first trip there make sure you get a Mapsco. You are going to need it.

Denise M.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Merredeth
You know, the nickname for Euless is Useless. That is how you know you are from Texas. When you know the Texan nicknames for the towns.

The HEB area is a pretty nice area to live in - although I'd steer clear of Haltom City myself. Euless and Bedford are nice and I have friends that live or lived in those areas. But in all honesty, Arlington isn't all that far away because you have 360 to jump onto. Then there are the main roads in Arlington that you can take straight into Euless if necessary. Something to think about if you need to expand your parameters and need to look at North Arlington for additional housing options. I don't know if you have kids or not, but the Arlington school district as good to me as well with my daughter.
When you first make the first trip there make sure you get a Mapsco. You are going to need it.

Denise M.

I don't want to live in a town thats useless! :scared: lol. I looked in arlington actually, nothing in my price range and milage range from work. I have night vision problems and closer to game stop the better. We do not have young kids, all grown up now, last one will be in college here in Pa come fall, so schools aren't a problem. I will keep looking in the arlington area though, thanks for the tip


Active Member

Originally Posted by puffer32
I don't want to live in a town thats useless! :scared: lol. I looked in arlington actually, nothing in my price range and milage range from work. I have night vision problems and closer to game stop the better. We do not have young kids, all grown up now, last one will be in college here in Pa come fall, so schools aren't a problem. I will keep looking in the arlington area though, thanks for the tip

Hey! Ya got The Ballpark in Arlington and that is all the better! :cheer: :joy: Game Stop has a location on South Cooper Street (South Arlington), the Mall is close as well as Albertsons (you'll need food, PetSmart for any dogs and R/O water for your fish). Over by Lake Arlington houses are pretty nice and that is a nice family oriented area to live in. You could also consider Pantego or Dalworthington Gardens if you HAVE
to be closer to a Game Stop store.
You can take Cooper Street straight into the HEB area if you stay on it and avoid the 360 fiasco. I did that all the time, taking a sidestreet to get to Ballpark Way before I moved to North Arlington from Lake Arlington. I also took Cooper quite a ways to my friend's place as she lived in Euless.
Something I did for several years in South Arlington was bought a duplex and lived on one side and leased the other side when I was a single parent. I decked out the side I was renting out and got top dollar for it. Then I gradually got my own side done. When my side was completed, I rented it out and got the house in the Lake Arlington area. A few years later and a few improvements later, I sold it for a nice profit and moved to North Arlington, keeping the duplex for several more years.
If you need any help email me. my address is merredeth at g mail dot com. You know how to fix the address. I'm trying to prevent spamming problems here.
Good luck to you! Wish I was moving back but I have to wait until my youngest step-daughter is done with school here. Then, this place is sold and I'm outta Iowa!
Denise M.