Lets see those IN-wall tanks!


Active Member
You know 300, I normally dont like tanks with fake plants and fake coral in saltwater tanks-but let me tell you....I will have to make an exception, because I love YOUR TANK!


New Member
Thanks for all the nice coments everyone!
We love it too we were really carefull about planning,buying equipment
and setting it up as this is our fisrt sw tank
we were too chicken to go straight to a tank with corals and such!
I have some realy pretty pictures of our fish I want to share
I will have to start a thread soon!
BTW my husband did all of the building in work and wood work himself!


Active Member
Not much of a tank anymore...my tank crashed while I was out on vacation but thats what you get when you entrust your tank to the family. Its slowly coming back though and hopefully I can get this reef back up and running



Active Member
Please pay no attention to my right side...after doing some rockwork I fell short some rocks and I might just leave that side open and have that my clam area.


Active Member
viet-tin.. awesome tank
i think i remember you from a long time ago.... u helped me when i first started out... my old username was swimrnum1.. ring any bells
but nice tank
got any advice for me .. i might be doing in wall... do i need to put the tank in a certain walls??


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32

Kinda small compared to others, but just right for us, its a 75 gal
wow looks awesome!


Active Member
Originally Posted by treybomb
viet-tin.. awesome tank
i think i remember you from a long time ago.... u helped me when i first started out... my old username was swimrnum1.. ring any bells
but nice tank
got any advice for me .. i might be doing in wall... do i need to put the tank in a certain walls??
ahh yes i remeber you. When building tanks into your wall, please make sure it is not load bearing otherwise the whole wall will colapse. There are ways to cut into those load bearing walls but it has to be done very carefully. Fortunate for me, my house used to be a model home and that garage used to be an office so the wall we opened used to be the doorway so we had no problem at all with electric wiring or plumbing. PLease take all safety precautions when cutting into your wall


300Galbaby, how long has the tank been set up, OR how long ago did you add the coral skeletons? I'm asking because I'm wondering how you keep your coral skeletons so white?!?


New Member
Originally Posted by Gamedawg
300Galbaby, how long has the tank been set up, OR how long ago did you add the coral skeletons? I'm asking because I'm wondering how you keep your coral skeletons so white?!?
HI we clean them once a month or so this is how we do it and have never had any problems with it screwing up the tank water
we run warm water in the kitchen sink and add two capfulls of bleach we let the peices sit for about 30-40 minutes if they are really dirty they will look florecent green after soaking in the bleach then we put them in our dishwasher with no soap for two hours(full cycle)
if they are not completly clean we will soak again for 15 minutes and run thru dw again, but most of the time it is all clean then it goes outside and sits in direct sunlight we like to leave them outside for two days
then they get a once over to make sure they smell ok and look good thats it
we usualy clean the tank while they are out becuse it is alot easier not worring about knocking them off into the arclyic and scratching it!
we clean the silk plants the same way but not as often as coral!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 300Galbaby
HI we clean them once a month or so this is how we do it and have never had any problems with it screwing up the tank water
we run warm water in the kitchen sink and add two capfulls of bleach we let the peices sit for about 30-40 minutes if they are really dirty they will look florecent green after soaking in the bleach then we put them in our dishwasher with no soap for two hours(full cycle)
if they are not completly clean we will soak again for 15 minutes and run thru dw again, but most of the time it is all clean then it goes outside and sits in direct sunlight we like to leave them outside for two days
then they get a once over to make sure they smell ok and look good thats it
we usualy clean the tank while they are out becuse it is alot easier not worring about knocking them off into the arclyic and scratching it!
we clean the silk plants the same way but not as often as coral!
ouch.. sounds really time consuming!


It's only a few months old, and the actual light hood is going on this week, but here are a few of my in-progress pictures:
Picture 1 is the front with the lights off, Picture 2 is at night with the lights on, Picture 3 is the back showing the external overflows, something I am going to use on all of my tanks from now on.
