lets see those LTA and BTA


Active Member
Here's one I just got yesterday. I'm no good with a camera, but it's an RBTA with yellow tips covered in white specs.


Active Member
I have an interesting comparison of the same bta. First pic and second pic are when I only had 384w of lighting, my opinion much prettier.
Third pic of the same anenome with the new lighting 384w of pc and 3 150hqi bulbs. Severely bleached out, but has with every day regained its color, it even split this weekend. The fouth pic shows the split.



Active Member
Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
Here's one I just got yesterday. I'm no good with a camera, but it's an RBTA with yellow tips covered in white specs.

Holy NICE anemone! How much did you pay for it?
there are a few RBTAs at my LFS and they are like 150 bucks. But that one is very nice with the different colored tips.
Did you order online?
You always get the coolest stuff Viper! I want to know where you live so I can break into your house.
happy reefing


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mach03InFront
when your anemone spilts ....
is it b/c there unhealthy?
how long does it take to spilt?
why do they ?
they split for reproduction or survival, or never at all.