lets see those pairs of clowns with there hosts


Active Member
i dont think it matters about how long theyve been together but more on the size. like if your female is liek 1 1/2 inch then you have about another inch of growth until they will spawn


Active Member
I have a question about pairs. I have a gold strip maroon and i want to add another one in my tank is it possible to add another one in my 29 gallon?


Littlebuck, Adding another would depend on how many fish you have in the tank. If you add another, just make sure it is smaller than the one currently residing in your tank.


Active Member
well i have fish wise in there now, 1 royal gramma, 1 green chromis. and the clown. BUt adding another maroon clown will not cause them to fight or anything? I only have a 29 gallon so i wasnt sure if i could.


It shouldn't make them fight.. just make sure the one you add is smaller in size. The larger one will become female and since it's already in your tank will be more dominant. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong!!! I was worried that mine would fight but they took to each other right away!!


Active Member
what kind do you have kim? i know maroons are diffrent and are very aggresive. it attacks me when i put my hand in there or anything. LOL


They are Percula Clownfish. I've been nipped too. My larger clown was the only clown for 9 months before I added the smaller one. I must say she was queen of the tank AND they were in a 12 gal nano cube for 2 months before I switched to a 90 gal tank!! Our hands do not look like fish!!! That's all I can tell you....


Active Member
oh ok well ty i had 2 percs in tehre i just got rid of them because i really didnt like them my wife wanted them and then wanted this one. so we shall see i appricate your help


Active Member
ive had mine for about 5-6months and my female is about 1 1/2-2in with the male about an inch are they too young?


mine haven't breed yet.. they used to allow my chromie to hang out with them, but recenlty have been chasing him away.. and also have started cleaning off rocks around the anemone.. so I believe they will breed soon.. however I don't think I will try and raise them.