Lets see those RICORDIA


Active Member
Originally Posted by janastasio
Is it on a rock or skeleton base? Look of Alveopora and see if it looks like that. I have alveopora and it seems like you pic looks like it.
Not alveopora. I have one and its not the same. And the base has no skeleton at all. Not cloves either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rbrockm1
heres my crappy pic. but love those rics.

I really like the ones on the left in the 2nd pic, very nice

fish addict

wow before I didn't think too much of ricordias though I thought they were pretty but now I see they are worth the money! Beautiful rics everyone!


Isistius, love that yellow yuma, but it's the orange one that I want!
Here's one of my new baby green rics.........................


Active Member
Rics are a type of mushroom right? I almost bought one today, but didn't want to pay the price as I'm still trying to replace my two DOA Anthias from the other day. LFS might have them for me on Monday. BUT, I do want my next coral to be a ric, I just love the way they look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by dksart
Isistius, love that yellow yuma, but it's the orange one that I want!
that orange one will cost ya.........


Active Member
So how fast do they grow? If I spend the money for one head, how long before I have two? I'm seriously thinking about going back to the lfs and picking me up one. I just love the way they look.


Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
So how fast do they grow? If I spend the money for one head, how long before I have two? I'm seriously thinking about going back to the lfs and picking me up one. I just love the way they look.

Rics are awesome, provided a good environment they will split fast. There is no 'time period' it just depends on the specimen and the tank.

Its worth the wait anyway.
sometimes you can get a little mini colony already started like 10-15 shrooms on a rock. My LFS sells a colony for like 44.00- pretty nice stuff too. Look around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
If my LFS sold colonies of rics at that priece, i would buy them all

I feel the same way. I've seen them more for like $45 for ONE. I saw one rock full of them and without realizing how costly these things are I was about to buy it, but then I saw the price, $200.
I went home empty handed.


Active Member
Puffer's coral maybe Tubipora musica, Organ pipe coral...maybe.
Anyways, heres some of my " not so great pics of my Rics "...
