Let's see your Emperor Angel!


Active Member
Hey everyone .. I'm thinking of getting an Emperor Angelfish and I absolutely love pics of them .. I wanna see who can come up with the best Emperor Angel Pic .. we'll see who has the best juvenile stage pic .. and who has the best adult form pic .. changing pics are welcome too .. well come on everyone! .. and they have to be your angel :cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
well dogstar I guess it's just you and me .. you don't have an emperor angel do you? .. haha .. guess not .. please people


Active Member
well .. so far .. sea worthy you have my vote .. hahah .. come on people lets see some more angels!


I´m from mexico, my english is not that good, I hope you understand

I get some coral, but wasn´t completely die, I found that was the problem, but was too late, he die!!
I order an other one, I try to keep my tank as it is now, to avoid those kind a problems, when I get it I show you the pics