Let's see your favority pics


sweetreef: are your emerald crabs out alot? Mine are ALWAYS hiding and they only come out a tiny bit at night.


Active Member
kaotik... my bigger one comes out a LOT (pretty much stays out). My smaller one is hidden more than I see him. What size are yours? They may feel intimidated in the tank. If so that will likely improve as they grow (a couple of molts).


Active Member
after you click on post reply scroll down a bit to 'manage attachments'. click on browse.. find where a pic you wanna post is.. and the rest is history!.. or.. maybe its the future... the rest is the future!


Active Member
Those orange skirt zoos are nice Murph. I got a TINY frag of them recently, but I forgot my high power lights (300w VHO on my 29 gallon) like to nuke new zoos... I put them too high in the tank initially and didn't pay them any mind until I realised there were no longer any zoos on the little rubble.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cross
how are you guys getting pictures on here?
Mine are posted on my website and I just link to them. :D


Active Member
NM, my lfs store has the coral you have in your last pic, but it has florecent green in the center, i am waiting for a frag of it, what is it and can you tell me about it please? I want to make sure my lighting is ok before i get a frag, i have 4x65 pc in a 75. Its so awesome, like flowers

Sweetreef, is that a peach shroom in your first pic? I have the exact one and wondered if it was a shroom or a ricordia.
Heres my fav so far


Active Member
like that last one puffer with the blue behind it and the larger rocks it looks like it was taken in the ocean


I've wanted a pom pom crab forever!!!!! I'm on waiting lists on several sites. So jealous. Oh yeah, nice pictures everyone.