Lets see your naso tang's


Active Member
Because we see so many skinny tangs in the aquarium industry its nice to see some larger fatter tangs. A local aquarium has a mated pair of blonde naso tangs. They are probably close to a 9-10in long but close to 3 inch thick in the middle. Another local aquarium has a school of Unicorn tangs. They about at 2 feet long and probably close to 6 inches or more thick. Its really something to see in person:yes: :D



Originally posted by nc2tarheel
naso's are the best looking fish imo. I have no experience with them though. How are they personality wise?

I wish all fish were like my Naso. He just swims all day and ignores every fish in the tank, every thing tends to ignore him as well since he is a good 13". Best temperment I have ever seen in a fish.


Active Member
I hope to have another one someday. I used to have one in a 150 FOWLR and loved that fish until the day it was bullied to death by a juvenile French Angel. This is the only pic I have left.