Let's see your Naso


Thanks barryi. It's a 125g.
Does anyone know how to make a file smaller? I could have posted a lot more pics but it says my file is to large.


How long did it take your Naso to grow streamers. I ordered mine as a male about a year and a half ago and still no streamers. I'm begining to wonder if he's a she:eek: !


Do I have an imitation naso?! :D
I love the look of all of the naso's that have been posted so far but mine looks nothing like those. Is it because mine is young?
Here is a pic.


Yours is just a baby, thats all- mine and Dave's are Blond Naso's from Indian Ocean/Red Sea - the others are Hawaiian.


Hey, DPittman, hope you don't mind answering some questions.
In your photo is that a Blue Girdled which I think it is.
If it is, how big is your tank?
What else is in there?
The reason I ask is because I am rearranging my tank and are considering one along with a Naso in my plans.

reef fool

Active Member
OK let me ask this. Tang Police, feel free to jump on me-I want to do the right thing here.
I have a 3" yellow and a 4" hippo in a 125. Can I add a small naso with them or am I all tanged out?


Yeah - that is a Majestic angel - also in there is some clownfish, a bluejaw trigger and a sargassum trigger, a potters angel, dussumeirri tang, blue hippo tang, and naso brevirostris tang. The tank is 240 gallons