Lets See Your Reef Videos!!!


Ok here is to the start of anyone who has a video of their tank...Very easy to make here is my homemade version....Went for the more carribean music

My Tank!


that is a nice tank. Is that a large Kenya Tree in the middle on the top? I just got one but small right now. Wondering if they get that big.
I will try to do the video thing tonight of my 24 Nano...


Active Member
beautiful tank i LOVE your rockwork!! but i just want to let you know the naso will need a 150 gallon tank down the road


Active Member
I think making videos of your tank with music in the background is a manifestation of a true problem.


Hahaha Thanks, well ya know its been an obesession as soon as the corals went in lol .....
Kenya are crazy, some people hate them some people love them, the problem with them is that they are considered dirty water corals lol ...they thrive in just about any conditions and once they get big enough (like my size) they start fragging themselves all over your tank...its kinda amazing at first but than after awhile of seeing kenyas attached all over the place its gets annoying!!!

but none the less its my center peice for now....
and yes i know about the naso planning a big upgrade asap...he is doing fine though the hardiest healthiest most personality fish i have ever had!!!

oh and by the way i just had fragged my toadstool leather before the vid was taken so thats why i have that stump on the left with the head more on the right...i am still wondering if the stump with form a new toadstool??


I bought a rock frag with 2 small kenyas on it. It now has 5 on it. I am going to relocate two and take the frag back to the store for credit......evil look....


thats a good move, esp if you have a small tank..one of my fav corals right now in my tank besides the full GSP is the torch and pagoda cup...so nice!!!