Lets show off those predators!



Originally posted by Velocity
I really like that Picasso
Thanks, he's a really big baby. he will lay sideways on top of the water and let me pet him. but then he becomes a full blown eating machine at feeding time.


This was one of my favorite fish of all time. Unfortunately, Dave became a 24 hour a day eating machine at 5" and 6mos and had to go live at a friend's house in a 300gal all his own yesterday. Today, Dave is raping and pillaging someone else's tank.
midwest reefer,
How's the eel? I heard those things are nasty and can take a huge bite out of someone's hand. They're great to watch though!



Originally posted by Velocity
kc36330, what size tank is he in?

currently they are in the 75g. the 100g i'm in the process of trying to give to my brother to make room to do some shuffeling around. i will end up with a 360 (8'x3'x2') that will be predator with a select varity of fish.


all my predators will go to that tank. the 75 has 2x400w MH lighting and its original intent was not to be made predator when i moved all the mixed corals to the 180 but to be made into an SPS/Clam tank. chances are likely that i'll make it that when i move the predators out and add new rock.
as you can see in the pic the rocks in the tank are huge lava rocks that i'v had in tanks for the past 10 or so years. the only problem i have ever had out of them is bristle worms (and others) are unable to bore into them and make home inside the rock. they cover in coralline and look real good, but i sun bleached them to get the red back out when i added them to the tank with the predators because IMO they really add to the tanks overall look that way.



Originally posted by Velocity
any stingtays out there?

if you ment StingRays............i had a few years back, but they were to much trouble to keep. they require a large tank with a lot of sand and very limited rock. they need the sand to bury in and they dont like rockwork.
they are quite neat but make a mess of the tank, they constantly stir the sand up into the water and cause it to blow around the tank all the time.
not to mention they grow quite fast. two 4" babies became 12" in just a few months. they can be tamed to take food from your hand, by placing a silverside between your fingers and laying your hand flat on the bottom of the tank. FWIW i snipped their barbs off and they dont grow back.
Jillian Ayers
Unfortunatly that eel did take a huge bite. First it was my 8 inch miniatis grouper, then it was my brothers finger.(didnt get the finger off but it did give him a nice bite) I had him for about 8 months where he grew from about 16 inches to about 40. He was garganuin and of course should never have been in a 125gallon tank. So I sold him to some guy in my town who had a 500 gallon. kinda sucks b/c that eel was soooooo cool, but it got to the point i didnt even want to clean my tank b/c id crap my pants everytime i saw him.