Lets talk about pet peeves... mine: nemo and dory are NOT types of fish



Sorry if this bothers anyone but I want to get it off my chest. I hate to be a fish snob but NEMO AND DORY ARE CARTOON CHARACTERS!!! Do you refer to your dog as a beagle or "a snoopy"? Do you call your cat "a garfield"?
Most people study and read a lot about these fish to keep them. It isn't that tough to learn the names percula clown and blue tang. Just a pet peeve of mine.


Active Member
I agree Jcrim!!! But, Did you read the article about the Lenny that bit that surfer

these "nemo and dory" threads are gettin outta hand...
A couple of my pet peeves would have to be: people that take a couple of ice cubes out of an ice tray and dont empty the rest out into an ice cube bin and refill the ice tray...
I also can't stand dirty dishes in a sink with an empty dishwasher...
What about a bag of chips that someone has eaten all of except like 2 chips and some crumbs, then put them back into the cupboard...


Originally Posted by ruaround
I agree Jcrim!!! But, Did you read the article about the Lenny that bit that surfer

Here's another... why do people think it's ok for their dogs and cats to drink out of the toilet???
My brother goes out of town and leaves food for his cat. He leaves the toilet seat up so his cat has an unlimited supply of water. This is not healthy for animals!!! It's so obvious that it shouldn't even have to be said... but a lot of people do it. :mad: :mad:


Active Member
i hate when people click their pens it pisses me off, i also hate it when iam taking a test and all you hear the teacher doing is typing her little fingers away :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


I would agree witht the nemo and dory annoying down right annoying. My other one is joint cracking like when people crack there finger urrgggg!!!!!!!! and pen clicking


lol ..those people who leave the potato chip crumbs.. or the little swallow of milk in the bottom of the jug.. can be called "racoons" because a racoon will go through an apple orchard and pick up a nice clean apple, take one bite, toss it, and pick up a another one. repeating the process until the get thier fill...lol..my sister does that with cheese. the little kraft singles. she'll go in and eat half of a peice and come back later and open another and eat half until when its time to make a sandwich there is nothing left but old, hard, half eaten and opened peices of cheese


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rgmason
I would agree witht the nemo and dory annoying down right annoying. My other one is joint cracking like when people crack there finger urrgggg!!!!!!!! and pen clicking
Most Definitly the joint cracking...its like fingernails on a chalk board!!!
another annoyance... when people (for some reason most often females
) are talking about a phone conversation, or an email conversation and either extend their thumb and pinky and put it up to their ear, or act as if they are typing...I just dont get this and it cracks me up everytime someone does this...


Active Member
another thing that annoys the crap out of me is when people talk about their pet peeves as if we can help them out, just pisses me off big time,lol


Active Member
Well, my biggest pet peeve began last year in math class. My teacher said "add them up" but it sounded like "adam up" and I was half asleep because my sister had had her baby the night before. And I stood up and it was the most embarrassing thing EVER!! Then everyone was giving me a hard time about it...so its kind of a pet peeve of mine when people give me a hard time about that.


Active Member
joint cracking... u think FINGERS are bad??? I had a roomate one year who would wake up in the morning and proceed to crack EVERY JOINT IN HER BODY....including her HIPS....
ohmigawd...I can still hear that nauseating snap....


you don't even want me to get started on my pet peeves... here goes:
#1 bad customer service... ugh, in the north, it's predominant. You cannot go anywhere and have someone tell you "have a nice day", or "how are you"... if you can't give good customer service, and be polite an courteous, you should NOT BE IN THE INDUSTRY!!! Simple as that!!!
#2 bad grammar. I cannot stand it when people use bad grammar. I have to correct my family all of the time, and it drives me crazy!!! or the misuse of they're, there, and their; the misuse of we're were and where... etc.
#3 When people sing the wrong words to a song over and over again. My sister used to sing the hootie and the blowfish song "Polly wanna be with youuuu"... grrrr
#4 bad drivers... why will no one let me over, even though i've had my blinker on for 10 minutes? Do they think it's fun to cause me to miss my exit? How about those people that speed up, ride on your ass, and then slow down to 60 when you get over to let them pass? I could go on forever about bad drivers but i won't...
#5 famous people making millions of dollars a year, while soldiers, cops, and firemen (people who risk their lives every day) make squat...
#6 wasting taxpayers' dollars...
#7 we used to employ a telemarketer, and she would hand in the leads... everything that was pluralized had a ' in it... "She want's to refinance her house. She has two dog's." acutally, that just falls back to the grammar thing... punctuation bothers me too.
#8 rude people - i guess this falls back to the bad drivers and bad customer service, but i cannot STAND when people are rude, or when you smile at someone in the street, and they give you that 'ugh' look... why is it so hard to be nice???
#9 people that go out of their way to get "offended" about something...
#10 people that fake stuff for attention
I'll stop at 10, I could go on forever, but I won't. If the world was full of a bunch of me's, it would be so great!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
#3 When people sing the wrong words to a song over and over again. My sister used to sing the hootie and the blowfish song "Polly wanna be with youuuu"... grrrr
This cracks me up!!!

I jokingly change up lyrics to get a laugh (a wanna be Wierd Al), there was an episode of "Friends" where Phoebe thought the song "Tiny Dancer" was "Tony Danza", anyhow I sang it Tony Danza (it would come on quite often over the muzak) and a coworker thought that was the lyrics for months, until she sang it karaokee and realized it was Tiny Dancer...she was so embarassed and angry at me, cuz I put her up to singing it :hilarious


are you a freinds fanatic? I am!!! I LOVE FRIENDS! My hubby can quote just about every episode!
and that's awesome!!!


ugh... traitor...
i never really cared for seinfeld... but i'm sure i would've had i grown up on it...


Active Member
1. Teachers that get mad at students for the students bieng smarter than them. (Applies mostly with me and science teachers)
2. Teachers that expect every student to be equally as good at a subject as everyone else in the class. (Applies to me and Grammar teachers)
3. People that get annoyed when I crack my joints.
4. My hair. (It is SO fluffy, the only way to keep it flat is to take a bath, and leave it wet!) :mad:
5. People that think that I have a low IQ, because of my accent.
6. Rascism
7. Politics
8. War
9. Snobs!
10. Animal abusers
I will take a page from Jen's book, and stop at 10.
Oh, and some of these things aren't really pet peeves, just things that I get angry at, and get annoyed by!


hijack away... anything can happen in... THE AQUARIUM :scared: :scared:


Active Member
Well.. I guess im a really bad person to get annoyed at 'little' things... This list may be large.. or I may end up getting bored and quit early ;)
When my girlfriend is too lazy to shave her armpits.. no longer my girlfriend though.. so I dont gotta deal with her being too lazy to do something so friggin simple.
When someone in my house pees in the toilet and doesnt flush it... I hate that crap.. why the hell wont they flush? Are they saving that? Do they expect me to pee or poop in there after they leave pee so that their pee splashes up on me? F L U S H YOUR P E E!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I walk into my room knowing exactly where I left something.... and its not there... because some idiot moved it to a spot where they decided it would better belong... I lose more stuff than you'd think by people moving stuff. It's like I have a huge map in my head of where I left everything.. and when something is moved the map gets pretty pissed off.
When im brushing my teeth and my rinse cup is moved... it makes me think someone else used it.. and im not using it if someone else used it.
When its 7am and you're sleeping so soundly.. and some jacknut decides THEY cant sleep.. so they go watch tv at the most perfect volume... not enough to scare you and make you jump out of bed.. but just enough to keep you awake.
When you're in the car with someone and they turn the radio up decently loud and expect to hold a conversation with you.
When you get home from a hard days work and there is a list of crap you gotta do because everybody else was too lazy watching soap oprahs all day.
How when you listen to the radio and you hear the song you've been wanting to hear for so long come on... and then it stops... and then you hear another good song.... and then it stops........ and then the radio advertises itself by letting you hear what kinda music you MAY hear when listening to their radio station........................
Kids that talk back.
Kids that let their

hang out of their pants so you gotta see their boxers.....
^^^ when those kids get girlfriends that are hot.
When girls wear so much purfume that you cant take in a big breath because you'll choke/cough.
When someone sneezes and doesnt cover their nose.
When you sneeze and nobody says 'bless you'.
.. im done for now.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ruaround
I like Seinfeld better than Friends, but it is halarious!!!
seinfeld all the way

gotta love kramer, have u seen the one where he is test driving the car or the one where he is washing the lettuce in the shower, i could go on and on about kramer i love him but not like that