Lettuce Nudibranch


Can these guys get rid of algae? Of the green and hair variety.
I've inherited someone elses mess and I'm getting the water under control with 10% changes almost nightly...
The hermits and Turbos even have it on thier shells....
I've got pics I'll post of the algae if needed...

barry cuda

I bought one and never saw it eat any of the hair algae overrunning my tank. Then it found its way into a powerhead anyway...the only cool thing was that the very tip of the "head" end crawled around on its own for about 5 days after that. Gotta get some sponges to cover the powerhead intakes...


Welcome to the board
Why don't you give us a rundown on the situation, describe the tank size, filtration, lighting and age of lights, give us some test scores to look at that include ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, what type of water is used for water changes, any direct sunlight involved. Is it a reef with corals, fish only what?
Help us so we can help you.
At this point I don't think a nudibranch is your answer, we need to find the problem then look for the solution.


Thanks for the welcome! I've been lurking for awhile and registerd last night... here is the details
90gal Corner overflow
approx 120lbs live rock
VHO lights that need changing... but I don't know for sure what to change them with...
CC 1-4 inches
1 Queen angel Medium
1 Australian File Medium
3 Blue Chromis.. approx 1.5 in ea
2 Tomato Clowns
1 Snowflake Eel
1 Brittle Star (this thing is as big as a softball around)
20-30 Hermits
10-15 Turbo snails
15-20 gal Sump with a Skimmer Its a TopFathom 100
2 Maxi 400 Phs
I'll attach pics of the algae....
The tank is a rescue from a local shop (they didn't take care of it at all ). We moved the tank and only used 30gal of the orignal water. Kept the filter materials in the sump clean. Cleaned the sides and sump with a new sponge.... Filled tank...
Since Saturday the levels have been falling with 10% water changes. I figure with stirring up the CC the nitrates went a little nuts...
Just tested the levels and here goes
Ro water only at this point
Phosphate where normal. I thought they would be outta whack with the algae growth...
Ammon .25
rate 5
rite .1
Alk 8.4-8.6
AK 1.1
SG 1.022-1.024
I'm a noob so these test may be a little off with my ignorance...
The levels are falling with each water change...
Ill do another tonight
The pic is coming


Sounds like this tank is cycling again.
One major propblem could be the Crushed Coral substrate. I would suggest getting rid of the CC and going with aragonite sand. CC can lead to excessive nitrates and algae and many other problems.
If the lights are over 10 months old then the spectrum could have shifted and they need to be replaced, old lights could be a cause of algae.
To many water changes at this point, your delaying the new cycle process, but you do have to keep that ammonia and nitrites down to avoid there toxic levels from killing the livestock.
You might need to look at your turnover rate, those MJ 400's should be at least 900's for better flow.
At this point I would suggest running a fresh load of carbon for 24 to 48 hours then replacing it. I would also run a polyfilter if possible.
Continue to monitor the ammonia and nitrItes, and have 20% weekly water changes if those levels continue to rise.
Get new lights and replace the old if they are old, this could also give you new unwanted algae but would still be a step in the right direction, you'll just have to cut back on the lighting schedual for a while.
Check out threads about Crushed Coral and sand.
Have your phosphate level checked.
Only do water changes with RO/DI water, never tap water.
Make sure the skimmer is working properly.



Originally posted by Thomas712
Sounds like this tank is cycling again.
At this point I would suggest running a fresh load of carbon for 24 to 48 hours then replacing it. I would also run a polyfilter if possible.

Thanks for the replies...
The Carbon I don't understand. Hows does that work with an overflow skimmer? The rest I can figure out...
Will I have to removed the Live stock to replace the sand? Will that make the tank cycle again?
Are the only dangers of it cycling again the high levels or Ammonia while waiting for the bacteria to grow and eat?
Should I stop the 10% water changes?
I thought I read some where you could put bacteria into the tank to help the cycle... I don't know if thats the correct thing to say... "Bacteria" but it seemed like something living that could be added to help out the biofilter process... is thre any truth to that and would it help shorten the cycle time?


I put in the poly onto of the filter material in the sump...
i didn't know where to place the charcoal...I saw some activated in sacks at the LFS...
The rite and rates are almost down to nothing...
the fish look good and everyone is eating well... they look happier than they did at the dive shop...