Lettuce Nudibranch


New Member
I bought 2 lettuce Nudibranches yesterday and today i got home from work and found this on the glass. Is it eggs and what should i do ? When will they hatch and what do you feed them ? Thanks



Wow, dont know what it is...but man, it never ceases to amaze me how perfect nature can be. Thats a perfect circle, hehe. :joy:


New Member
Yea i know. Is there anyone else here that knows bout them or that can help me out here ?

my way

Active Member
If you stare at it long enough it will start to spin, hypnotizing you. Then you will hear a faint voice saying"Spend more money on me, spend more money on me, spend more money on me,,,,,,,,,"


yes those are eggs congrats! the baby's usually eat bryopsis and derbesia algae which depending on how advanced your tank is you probebly don't have any but if there is any food in the tank they will find it and the strongest will either survive or get stuck in your filter :-/ but hopefully a few will make it. good luck!


Originally Posted by actionjack
Wow, dont know what it is...but man, it never ceases to amaze me how perfect nature can be. Thats a perfect circle, hehe. :joy:
looks more like a tight spiral. but yea :)