lettuce nudibranch


Active Member
I had one... and no they aren't worth it. You'll put it in and it will vanish like a fart in the wind within two weeks.

salt monger

same with mine, i thought they looked so cool, so i bought 2.... put them in.... looked real nice on the front glass, and that was the last time i ever saw them.... good luck to you though


basically, I wanted something cool... and i thought with a name like nudibranch, how could I go wrong, but I guess i should just light a 10$ bill on fire. What about shrimp? Which ones do you recommend?


Active Member
I prob had about 6 of these that came as hitchikers in my tank. I see them still all over the place. Although I dont doubt some prob didnt make it.
I agree, cleaner shrimp very cool their personality is awesome. Sexy shrimp equally as cool however, be careful I was syphoning my tank and I accidentally sucked mine up. Not good.. I didnt realize it until I hit the flush handle. oops "All drains lead to the ocean shark bait" Well that maybe true if you dont have a septic system, and if it survived the grinder pump on my toilet in the basement. Im guessing... Not.

devil dog

Active Member
I see mine hear and there.
It was on a snail for about two day just ridding around I wish I got a picture of it


Mine is lust chillin' in the cheato right now. Usually he's on the glass, on the rock, or trying to get sucked up in the skimmer.
Just make sure it's the kind that eats algae. We got one once that looked so cool (like a big fat white marshmallow with feathers and black spots) but it died a few days later. Come to find out, that kind only eats aptasia, which we didn't have.
I say yes, they're worth it, even if they don't live very long. They are so much fun to watch. I think mine smiles at me......


Active Member
Originally Posted by dksart
Come to find out, that kind only eats aptasia, which we didn't have.
that's called a berghia nudibranch, just a little tidbit of info if anyone is wondering


Have you had berghia? I have an Atapsia invasion in my tank (really bad), I can't seem to keep peppermint shrimp alive in my tank. Are they hardy? None of the local stores have them and they all sell them for 30 bucks a pop? Some online stores have them for 15 each. Advice?


Active Member
Originally Posted by seamandrew
Have you had berghia? I have an Atapsia invasion in my tank (really bad), I can't seem to keep peppermint shrimp alive in my tank. Are they hardy? None of the local stores have them and they all sell them for 30 bucks a pop? Some online stores have them for 15 each. Advice?

a school in new london CT has aquacultured berghia but are selling for $15 each. seems to be the going rate. if you want any PM me your email and i'll pass it on.


I loved my lettuce nudibranch. It was so much fun to watch. Unfortunately, it met its demise when it decided to play with the power heads. From what I understand, it's a common occurrence. I got mine for free, but I wouldn't pay for one unless you'll be there 24/7 to watch it and make sure that it doesn't get into trouble.


i have tried them twice. the first time, i bought one. within a week, my tank was covered in them. i don't know if the little terd was pregnant or what, but i had at least 20. i had to move shortly after that, and never saw them again. well about 2 months ago, i bought 2 more. haven't seen them since. oh well. they are cool looking though