Lettuce Nudibranch


Are these very easy to take care of. I like different stuff thats why i am asking. You can look in my sig and see the type of fish i have. I was reading on another website and it says that they use photosynthesis to make sugar for thier bodies so does this mean that i will need a strong light for them to live? Just a few questions.


Elysia crispata
Order: SACOGLOSSA Superfamily: ELYSIOIDEA Family: Elysiidae
They are not a nudibranch, though most people think of them as such.
They do take the chloroplasts from caulerpa and retain it in the tissues for its own nutrition, the chloroplasts contiunue the photosynthesise and provide it with a form of sugar.
They are however hard to keep for very long. They are short lived spieces, and have a delicate diet.
There are some people here that do have and have had them before, use the search function to find out who.