LFS 600gal Display Reef


Just thought I'd share this beautiful display tank from my lfs. The picture dose it no justice.


Active Member
agreed . . but what happened to the massive bubble that was in there? it looks like they did some MAJOR renovations in there.


You know, it's from their website, maybe its an old picture because I know there is a lot more to it then whats in that pic.


Z28, there is quite a few HUGE tangs in that setup!
Hmm.... I think I need to go there and pick up some new frags this week.


:notsure: strange, I don't recall the paintings above it either.
007 Try-sog, Have either of you been to Fishbones in Greektown lately? One of the guys at the above store mentioned they installed a huge reef tank there, spending about 35grand on it, this past fall.


Active Member
I have not been there in quite sometime . . . . I really need to go back though . . . perhaps this will be the motivation.
I think you are right, that must be an old picture. The last time I was there I saw the bubble coral that was easily two feet in diameter.


Active Member

Originally posted by blueface
Do any of you buy from that LFS?

I have once or twice, but its a hike for me . . . I live on the complete opposite side of town. From what I do remember though it was rather pricey.


Active Member
That is a sweet tank! Do they sell any corals out of the tank, or is it strictly display? Any info on filtration?


Active Member
strictly display and a massive filtration system below it.
The look is actually a little deceptive. The tank is only six feet long, but it has a lot of depth to it, if I remember correctly its about four feet high and four feet deep.
plenty of :happyfish room


Active Member
Not even to any of their "best" customers? I am just curious because that seems like an awful lot of money for a store to spend on a display... Although I am assuming they want to encourage customers to start reef tanks because of it.
Do you know what kind of filtration? Is it purely a refugium or is there biological as well?



Originally posted by 007
I have once or twice, but its a hike for me . . . I live on the complete opposite side of town. From what I do remember though it was rather pricey.

They are a bit pricey but to tell you the truth you're not going to find healthier fish or corals in the area. I would just stay away from dry goods because they are way over priced on that stuff.



Originally posted by Daniel411
:notsure: strange, I don't recall the paintings above it either.
007 Try-sog, Have either of you been to Fishbones in Greektown lately? One of the guys at the above store mentioned they installed a huge reef tank there, spending about 35grand on it, this past fall.

Yeah, there isn't a painting over that tank. hmmmm and the more I look at that picture the more it looks stripped down from what it is today. I was just there recently and their is schools of purple, hippos(well like 3) and yellow tangs now. Also there is a huge Valmingii(sp?)tang and a unicorn that would be easily visable in that picture. It must be really old or maybe setup at the owners house at one time?
No, I haven't been to fishbone in about 3 yrs. Is it up and running? 35Gs? damn!


I am "almost positive" that the tank is 8' long, 4' deep, and 30" tall. I've never seen the filtration underneath. Never asked if they would sell any corals from it. I'm sure they would to some of their clients though. As they maintain saltwater aquariums for quite a few celebrities in the area.
The store is Aquatic Discoveries. Its located in a shopping center at the corner of 15 mile rd. and Ryan. Northwest corner.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
No, I haven't been to fishbone in about 3 yrs. Is it up and running? 35Gs? damn!

I hope its up and running if they've spent that much money on it! I keep meaning to head down there, never end up though.



Originally posted by Tyr-Sog
They are a bit pricey but to tell you the truth you're not going to find healthier fish or corals in the area.

Thats probally true. I'd almost consider them as healthy as what you can find from Preuss, but not with the "Preuss" price tag. Should be going to this place more often, just moved down hall road from it.