LFS Bloomsburg, PA

shimmy yaz

New Member
This is the site for my LFS / if people would please visit the site and see if they seem to know what they are talking about and if they are a reputable place to go to. Also if anyone lives near me and knows of a better LFS please let me know.


That place the Judy owns is in Danville, Pennsylvania and is half the way to Williamsport from Bloomsburg on Preserve road on RT 54 I think. I tried to get the address from the site but I could not find it. I think it will be nice to see the address in the site but I had hard time finding it. She is a nice lady and I go there once a while to check the store. Is about 20 minutes from where I live. There is a shop in Bloomsburg that started to sell reef corals and fish and they are getting into it more with three other branches around and is called PET CITY .. They just opened one in Williamsport and they are working on getting the systems running.

shimmy yaz

New Member
Yeah I know about Pet City but they don't really have much yet as they have just started to carry salt water fish at the bloomsburg location. The address is on the site but it is a pain to find. I havent made it to the store yet because i have already went twice and she was closed. I really wanna get up and running but I am trying to find a house right now and wanna wait till i get that so I dont have to move the tank once i have started it. Thnaks for the reply though


Have you been to Williamsport stores ? Maybe by then you can attend out North Central PA Frag Meeting in May. There will be many reefers from all over here in Williamsport at my house.


Yeah, my parents have told me about a place in Bloom, but I've never been there yet.
By the way, Berrigan's Rules!!!!


Do you know of Saltwater Heaven in Williamsport?
Are you the owner of the store?
I am going to be starting a reef tank soon and was thinking of stopping in at Saltwater Heaven.


pokdbz: I'm not the owner but I know the owner very well for many years. I learned alot from him and still learning. He just likes to talk alot so if you go by make sure you clean your ears. :)


Active Member
I have been to all 3
I live outside of bloomsburg and can say
the site mentioned earlier is a good site, JUdy is a nice lady, who really cares about the hobby and fishes. some of her practices are not exactly my own, but very close(some of our opinions differ slightly)
Ron's is a great place to visit, he and my opinions ar definitely different, he does however have nice tanks,a dn his rock and fish have all been good. I never fear buying in either place
Pet City, good place, nice people and personal friends. However, I would not go there looking for extensive advice, their experience in SW is limited, but gorwing well, Jason(the owners son) does alot of research and will hunt down answers though. He is learnig alot and he is the one who handles the tanks. I have been trying to get him to visit this site, but as of yet he hasn't. I will not talk bad about them, they atually got me into the hobby. In fact, it was a bad attempt at brackish water, where they were trying to help me, that got me into salt(a last ditch attempt at success). We nearly gave up completely. they have some to learn but who doesn't, we all do, and as mentioned they are just recently starting their venture into salt water too. I often talk with the owners son, who handles the tanks, and he and I have helped each other a great deal over the last couple of years. LOL, in fact I recently had to explain to him how to acclimate an anemone, then a short time later, he explained to me about drip acclimation, so it has worked both ways(although not dripping, it still took hours to acclimate, and have lost nothing). Alot has changed in the last couple of years and alot has changed there in the last year or so, in fact, theyir first saltwater tank is not quite a year old yet. And I send many people there, just remind them that they have jsut started sw themselves and should look to books or swf.com or others I know who are in the hobby, before buying or trying anything. Like I have mentioned though, I harbor no animocity(even though my attempt at brackish was not so good), and really like them and purchase alot there. I can go on for hours, if I wanted to, so I wil stop, they have realy taken good care of me, so I return the favor and help advise and do send them some business . Just like any LFS, you should use caution, If you do want good advice based upon experience, come here, go to JUdy's Salt Box, or read.
I would however steer anyone away form the one in Berwick, I can name that place too. And can also say how much I hate that place and why, but won't, if you do go there, take your earplugs, and know yourself what you are getting and why, before giving them any money.
There are a few others semi local and if you are in Bloomsburg, they are closer or as close as Williamsport and Turbotville. Both of which I also like.


Active Member

Originally posted by jinky3dper
Yeah, my parents have told me about a place in Bloom, but I've never been there yet.
By the way, Berrigan's Rules!!!!

go to romeos subs in berwick before you say berrigans rules, much MUCH better
romeos slogan:
(and it is very true)



Originally posted by fshhub
go to romeos subs in berwick before you say berrigans rules, much MUCH better
romeos slogan:
(and it is very true)

Uh oh! Looks like we're gonna have some conroversy!!!! I've had both. Berrigan's hands down is better. :)


Active Member
go there, try several types. one thing he has hands down, is quite a varieity, which most subshops don't. And his sandwiches are GREAT. Well worth the money and many are very different and interesting, yet as good as they are diferent.


Guys,,, you guys lost me here !:confused: What are you guys talking about ? It seems you guys are talking about food ! I'm hungry and that's why my brain stopped working. What restaurant is that and where? Is it better than Burger King ?


Active Member
Romeos Subs on Orange St in Berwick
one visit, and after you see the owner, yo will know why they are so good, he will not add anything to the menu that he is not happy with(and he is a very VERY BIG man)
ps, naps used to be the place, but not quite as good as they used to be 10+ yrs ago
ALSO, note that is Romeos subs in Berwick, NOT Romeos pizza on rt 11 in Bloom, BIG DIFFERENCE


I lived in Bloom before and have not seen that place before. Maybe because I came ot Williamsport all the time. I will have to try that sometime. Thanks


Active Member
You really should if you get t chance, he has like 40 different types of subs, plus other goodies. If you like wings, be warned, the HOTS are the best. His hotter flavors have no taste, just HOT, but his hots are outstanding and hotter than many other places suicide or nuclears or whatever they call them.


hmmmm....now there is something i might be able to agree with you on...the wings are much better than Berrigan's....
but i still have to go with the subs at berrigan's...the deal with them is that it's not the quantity that you get, but the actual taste. quality, not quantity. lately, it has been a touch flakey tho cuz they have hottie college girls working there. the original women that worked there made the subs the best!!!