LFS ******** Decorator


Ok, so I was at my LFS today trying to pick out my first coral (got a very nice looking zoanthid frag!) and I saw a fish that was picking up small rocks, shells, and sand in the display tank and building what looked like a little fort. I thought this was pretty awesome, and I was wondering what kind of fish this was. It looked like a gobie or a blenny (I'm new at this so I can't be sure). If anyone does know what kind of fish has this behavior, or if several have this behavior, are they easy to care for? Are there any like this that would go well in a nano tank (12 gallons)? Any and all info is appretiated!


Originally Posted by Aceguitar1
Ok, so I was at my LFS today trying to pick out my first coral (got a very nice looking zoanthid frag!) and I saw a fish that was picking up small rocks, shells, and sand in the display tank and building what looked like a little fort. I thought this was pretty awesome, and I was wondering what kind of fish this was. It looked like a gobie or a blenny (I'm new at this so I can't be sure). If anyone does know what kind of fish has this behavior, or if several have this behavior, are they easy to care for? Are there any like this that would go well in a nano tank (12 gallons)? Any and all info is appretiated!

I'm not certain, but my yellow watchman goby has moved mouthfuls of sand and made an impressive mound that he rests on. Enigineer gobies will move a lot of rock and sand, diamond gobies sift and relocate sand, but I don't know what would build.


If it helps any, this fish was mainly white with some spotting and striping, and I THINK the employee at the store mentioned something about a jawfish? Not sure if he was referring to this one or not though...


My female maroon clown fish will move rocks the size of tennis balls no joke. My sand bed is a disaster, she loves to push sand away from her cave and mess with anything that's in her way. Its super annoying but shes just clowning away. Thank god the male isn't strong enough to push things or i would be clownless i believe.


Thanks guys, and yes, that jawfish looks to be the one! Would anyone advise it for a nano tank (12 gallons)? Or should I avoid one for a tank that small?


Well-Known Member
avoid getting one for a 12 gallon tank. In general, they require at least a 6 inch deep sand bed because of their burrowing nature.


Ok, good to know! Would you suggest a similar type that would work in a 12 gallon? Maybe a Yellow Watchman Goby?