


Originally Posted by chipmaker
There are just too many ways a person can kill a fish unintentionally. I may offer a discount on another, but unless my suppier gave me a warranty, I think its unreasonable to give a guarantee on it either.
For one, this is a new tank - with inverts but no live fish yet - they are going to pick up brooklynella from a ghost fish in the tank (and also, the LFS knew that, cuz I bought the tank from them, almost everything from them, actually!
Originally Posted by chipmaker
Observe the fish your wanting to buy.........I watch the fish I want sometimes for a few days and if its sold in the meantime so be it, it not like it was a have to have item right then and there or its the "only fish in the sea" there will be more.....The LFS here has tags on their tanks with the date the fish in those tanks were received.......so a fish showing no signs of sickness that is n that tank for say 4 weeks, and looks just fine when yu buy it but dies 2 days later aafter yu get it to its new home is certainly not a fault of the lfs IMHO, so why should they replace it.....Those that do, probably have a higher markup than some shops.........
well - I did observe for about 2-3 days, and was excited for my first fish, and clowns are usually pretty hardy, They all looks really healthy - I thought I was safe, again - they had brooklynella, obviously, came from the LFS...
Originally Posted by chipmaker

To be honest, I have bought a heap of fish in my life, and I have only ever lost a few feeder goldfish.........never lost a saltwater fish or critter.
well, aren't you lucky??? Not trying to sound rude, but then you are lucky - Again, I am not being unreasonable and simply whining, loss will happen, even if you were lucky enough never to run into it - but the clowns CLEARLY came from the LFS, with brooklynella, from a place that was there setting up the tank with me, testing water (i mean not in my house, but they knew what was going on) --
Other fish is now sick, I have been treating, which cost me extra money - I don't mind if it means saving the fish, but I am pulling water from tank for treatment bath, replacing it which uses up salt, I bought the treatment, etc.... Again, I don't mind, but I am having to spend more money to treat a fish that was sick from the LFS...And they aren't willing, after dropping probably $500 or more at that shop, to offer some sort of credit (i would be happy with even 50% credit) -
I guess everyone has their own opinions, but like Murph
said, they will probably lose a customer who has the potential to contribute a lot of money to their pockets - especially if this other fish dies, and I bring it in to see what is going to happen, regarding compensation, credit, whatever....


I think there are also a lot of dishonest people in this world, so that is another factor in determining whether or not to guarantee. For instance, you could have a yellow tang in your tank, all of a sudden it dies. The next day you visit the lfs with the guarantee, and purchase a similarly sized yellow tang. 2 days later you bring him your dead one. You got a new tang either free, or in addition to $20 something dollars store credit. Its sad, but some people would do it.


so - after the 2nd clown died, i took the fish and water to the store... to make a long story short....
ammonia tested 0 with my kit - tested 0.25 at LFS - he seems to think that they died from ammonia burn - that the ammonia wore the slime off of the fish and burned them, killing them...
I think it is BS - even if it did test 0.25 - would it cause that?????? snails and hermits are doing fine..
just think he is getting out of crediting me some, cuz he knew i was going to ask, brining it water and the fish, etc...


My clowns and an angel fish lived thru higher ammonia than that. (I know I was not aware of a cycle then). I did lose the little clown but that was because he got sucked up in the skimmer and I didn't find him for days.
I used to go to a LFS but got so much bad advise which cost me so I don't go back there. The girl working there knew my tank was 2 weeks old since I got it there, yet she sold me an anemone! Of course it died. She said to use the crushed coral, I've since replaced that with the sand. There was other bad advise from that store.
Now I look at what fish the store has....go home and research that particular fish for compatibility with my others, their feeding requirements, etc. Then if that fish is suitable then I'll go back and buy it.


Any other comments on the ammonia thing? I just think it is very untrue and wanted to get some ideas....thanks!