

Active Member
Well, My lfs went under and closed for good. We where going to go there until we noticed the door was locked. We looked through the window and all to could see is the big 210g display tank empty and pried out of the wall. The little 10 gallon tanks taht you could buy from where al piled up, and pipes sticking out of the ground


Active Member
my favorite lfs closed a year ago.
the lfs are getting killed by internet sales.
1/3 the price just like most stores
all i buy from lfs is salt.

small triggers

Active Member
I tend to buy all my livestock from my LFS,,, just for the fact i can see it, he gives me a fair price. I tend to order alot of my dry goods off line for the fact its a lot less markup. But water, salt, and food i get from LFS yet still (not paying to ship salt,, tooo expensive) Plus, my LFS gets some MAC certified and alot of stuff from ORA


Active Member
first the internet, and now the economy, many retailers just wont survive. choosing between food or a hobby, most people will choose food.


I like my LFS they can get me anything I want. I get a first pick, nice prices, pre cured live rock, and 30 years of experence.(sometimes he sticks to his old guns) Has a very nice reef with C.C. and tap water like ten feet long in his home. Never dose anything to it.
His prices are par with those on line without having to pay for shipping. I tend to buy from him all the time as this is the only LFS for two hours. Still sometimes I have to order online.
My Primary LFS seems to have issues with Ich (and having it alot lately). However, if I drive an hour to my moms house the LFS there is alot Cheaper than my primary. So I generally will make the 45 minute drive to Dayton, OH to see another LFS there, which is HUGE. Alot of there is stuff is MAC and/or TR. I agree I prefer to see what I am buying how it is behaving.