lfs has ritteri anenome for $30


Originally Posted by clown123
bc i want to now b4 i get it why is that a problem??????
Within your "10" years, why havn't you ever came across problems like this? Even I know the answer this and I have not been around that long.


I want to get an anemone for my fowlr tank, what lighting do I need (at a minimum?) I know MH are the shiznit, but is there an "at least get these" category for lights for one anemone? Also, what anemone should I get? I want one for my clown fish...


Originally Posted by clown123
what are u talking about dual no lights wtf
Your confusing me. What kind of lighting do you have. How many watts and what type.
VHO, PC, MH...what is it. Don't give me any excuses. You should know when you bought them and you should know what they support and what they can't. And by the way, ***** isn't a very reliable petstore.


Active Member
dude get ur facts straight PETLAND and i forgot what it was i tell u 2morrow and if i as giving u excuses i would of been telling u i have like metal hilides and all that stuff!


Originally Posted by pesci
I want to get an anemone for my fowlr tank, what lighting do I need (at a minimum?) I know MH are the shiznit, but is there an "at least get these" category for lights for one anemone? Also, what anemone should I get? I want one for my clown fish...
oh boy...here we go again. I am sorry but anenomes require strong lightig. VHO or metal halides or very strong PC but other than that, those are your only options.


Originally Posted by clown123
dude get ur facts straight PETLAND and i forgot what it was i tell u 2morrow and if i as giving u excuses i would of been telling u i have like metal hilides and all that stuff!
your not even speaking straight. Whats with petland?


Originally Posted by clown123
it will be better in my tank then a crappy petcos tank! my water and lighting kills theres i mean come on.
you said *****.


Originally Posted by clown123
yo f-u u gotta start i did !-$$ to u and u got to start!
what language are you speaking?


Originally Posted by clown123
i see uve never heard of a PETLAND either thats were the anenome is!!!!
I am sorry. Petland sounds great...your awsome


Active Member
OH !-#%! im so sorry for that im just way to sick and tired im sorry for that its in petland like i said i may get a little mean. sorry sfe :happyfish


Originally Posted by clown123
(Comes with two 9325ºK bulbs.) here u go i just took it off the website i got it from.
How many watts dude?


Originally Posted by clown123
OH !-#%! im so sorry for that im just way to sick and tired im sorry for that its in petland like i said i may get a little mean. sorry sfe :happyfish
I am sick too. Have a fever.


Originally Posted by SFE
oh boy...here we go again. I am sorry but anenomes require strong lightig. VHO or metal halides or very strong PC but other than that, those are your only options.
Whats with the "Here we go again" crap? I asked a simple question. If you are too arrogant to answer politely then keep quiet!