LFS - i didn't like them but today changed my mind


Well i've seen so many bad lfs posts and wanted to say that i had a lfs that wasn't exacly bad, but i just didn't like them. Well i was in today looking for some more snails, shrimp and other good cleaners when i went to look at the fish. They had a lot of good looking fish but the lights were off on all the tanks. I was going to buy 3 firefish that i could actually see swimming or a yellow watchman goby. Well the lady said that none of the fish were for sale because their recent order didn't look good and they decided to treat all the fish in the tanks for 3 wks. It made me change my mind about this store a little!


Active Member
hmmm, rare instance, and glad to hear it, some lfs's will take the responsibility to do such thinggs(others won't, that is for sure), and even some of the worst, if they think it is gona cost them money later, but just because they quarentined once, does not give them all my respect(it is a start), a real good lfs's would quarentine all the fish in all instances, and this woudl not be a set back for them*because the q' tanks would be constantly rotating and Q'dfish would always be available), and yes i do know of one lfs that quarentines every shipment before they will even show them(that is a major oddity),
anyhow, glad to hear they are at least taking the initiative, this is a good thing, in fact you ought ot tell them what they did is appealing to all of us on these boards and we do make up a good portion of the hobby, maybe they will think about doing it with all fish(maybe at least think)
just a thought....


wouldn't that be a wonderful world to live in...but like someone pointed out about LR; most retailers aren't going to hold on to hundreds to thousands of $$$ or "merchandise" over a lengthy period of time...even if most did so, that would probably add to the cost


I understand what you are saying fshhub, but we all know that probably about 98-99% of lfs out there don't qt all of their fish if they do any of them. I mean this was the first time i have been to a lfs where they said they were not selling fish because they came in in bad shape. They actually looked good to me from what i could see with the lights off. What didn't impress me though was that the lady was pulling out dead coral from their coral tank and then said that she hated that part of the job because of how bad dead coral smelled.


Active Member
like i said, maybe at least think, i know most wont, but if even one more does, that is thousands(well at least hundreds) of healthier fish in a year or 3(just a thought,) would n't it be nice if.. that is all i was saying, now just b/c they quarentine, doesn't mean a thing, but it does increase the odds a little,
a nd i have another lfs that won't sell to anyone without a water test, if she does not know your tank and she does not care if you threaten to go elsewhere, HER FISH ARE TO BE ADOPTED, i really like her adn she likes my attitude too, in fact, she picked up the adpted from me. lol, you should have heard her when i told someone that, you'd have thought she were an evangalist or something, arms wide, yelling yes!YES!, then gave us a real good deal too adn now she looks forward to us going there
i was actually surprised to find my one quarentines, and you wouldn't have known, except when my wife was asking for something, the guy said he did have them, but....... and then showed her, needless to say, she bought from him
anyhow, it was just a thougt and it would be nice, but.......back to reality, most don't most won't even consider it, but for everyone that does................. :D
i agree with both of you 500% on the issue


I was pleasantly surprised when I tried to buy a copperband at my LFS and they wouldnt sell him to me because they havnt gotten him to eat properly yet. :D