LFS in Denver Co?

scopus tang

Active Member
Anyone know of any good LFS in Denver Co, preferably in the area of Colorado Blvd or University Ave? Also close of of I-25. Not real familiar with the Denver area, but am here visiting, so thought I might check some out. Thanx.


Active Member
I haven't visited any in Denver, but Ft. Collins has a nice store called Denizens of the deep if you want to take a side trip on your way back.

scopus tang

Active Member
Fraid we won't hit Ft. Collins till after 6:00 tonight, and I don't think anyone is going to allow me to take an hour long side trip at that point. Thanks for the info though.


Active Member
I dug up an old thread on another forum from the last time I went to denver and Neptune's Tropicals came highly reccomended didn't get a chance to visit ti and not sure where it is at from you though might try google mapping it and see if it is close enough.


Neptune's is a good place. It's off County Line and University. Another Place is Great Barrier reef by Park meadows Mall on Yosemite. Reef and Pond off on Evans Santa Fe and Keys Island on Oxford and Santa Fe are all nice stores.


I like Ocean's Apart. It is only open on saturdays. They have really nice live rock and corals and high quality fish.