LFS in San Francisco area?


Just wanted to give you guys an update.
We just came back from the San Fran area. We went to several stores that you all mentioned and I got some great deals.
6th avenue rocked. They had a deal of 6 corals for $100. They were good corals too, not just junk. Got a sweet metallic green brain in that $100 deal.
Also went to a great store in Alameda and got sweet deals. He had Zoo polyps for $1 a polyp. Had some more rare zoos there and some nice blastos and micros.
Thanks again for the tip. Will have to post pics when I get the corals out of QT and into the DT!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rackyrane
Just wanted to give you guys an update.
We just came back from the San Fran area. We went to several stores that you all mentioned and I got some great deals.
6th avenue rocked. They had a deal of 6 corals for $100. They were good corals too, not just junk. Got a sweet metallic green brain in that $100 deal.
Also went to a great store in Alameda and got sweet deals. He had Zoo polyps for $1 a polyp. Had some more rare zoos there and some nice blastos and micros.
Thanks again for the tip. Will have to post pics when I get the corals out of QT and into the DT!
sounds like ya went to new alameda aquatics... gotta love the $1 polyps!
I hope you had a fun trip!


Sorry, I got into this one late. The next time you go to Monterey Aquarium, call em first and see when they will let you dive. My mother in law works there and occasionally they let people dive. It is unbelievable!!


I take that back. I just called and asked and they said they only let kids do it. Hope I didn't get anyones hopes up. Sorry


It was a great trip! Yep, we found Alameda Aquatics. LOVED the $1 zoos. Got some other good stuff there and best of all, he has a website and will ship to me. He had some nice SPS also, so I picked up a small frag.
Hopefully, my 6th avenue stuff will do ok. So far, so good.
The Aquarium was great. My kids would have loved the scuba stuff. They think they are fish already. My oldest taught the volunteer there some stuff about the animals they had in the touch pool. Guess my saltwater addiction is spreading to the kiddos! :happyfish


Glad it was a success!
The diving is a blast for the kids. They provide all of the equip and everything. Then they make a video of it. I don't know how many times my stepson has made me watch his video. It is what encouraged him to start a reef tank. It takes a whole lot of chores to earn the money to support a reef tank.


Thought my son was the only kid that was reef crazy. Our reef club is having a nano tank build off contest and my son is helping my husband with it. He wants to put pipefish or seahorses in there. He is working around the house to help make money for "his" tank.
i always love when i travel and am able to see different LFS and natural wildlife (the beach). i just wish my home town had more fish stores.


Are you in Albuquerque? I am. I wish there were more stores here too with better prices. That's why I started this thread so that I could see a new selection. The prices were great in SF!
yes i am. i have noticed big price swings from state to state. At least both LFS are right next to eachother. I dont really consider any of the other stores a fish store. if they sell dog food or have a huge lizard on the roof
i dont go there for SW fish.


Yes, In fact I do. Not many come here, but Catawaba and Rabid frog are here.
We have a local reef club too. It's pretty neat and the next meeting should be in the next week or two. The club has a web site, but I am not allowed to post it here. If you like, you can e-mail me and I will give you the link.
My e-mail addy is near the top of this thread.
Actually after i posted my last post i went looking and found the other website everyone chats on and the actual nm*****keppers site. ABQ Customs old post lead me to them. .............. how does it work i just show up and introduce my self? i would feel like that guy nobody invited to the party but just always shows up.


You can do it two ways--either go over to SW Reef on Menaul and ask for Jen--she is one of the founders and she can get you going. Or you can go to the website you just mentioned and click on the link for information/new members. If this doesn't work, let me know.


I like Fish, Fish, and more Fish on Lombard and divisadero street in S.F. They have a lot to choose from, and everything looks very healthy.