LFS just puts LR in a box, no water. Is this bad?


I'm currently looking to find a good LFS to rely on. I've run across this particular LFS that takes the LR out of their tanks and puts it into a box ... no water. It seems to me that this is a good way to get alot of die off and any little critters could/would be lost in this situation. Am I right to assume that this is the wrong way to do this?


when i get LR from my LFS they soak some newspaper in the tank the rock came out of and wrap the LR with that.IMO no water at all doesnt sound good to me.


WHen i get LR they put it in a bag or styrofoam box and since i live 5 minutes away, they dont add water or wet newspaper. but the first time i bought it, they asked me if i wanted it wrapped in wet newspaper- i guess it depends on how ling it will be out of the tank..... a short time is fine, but if you are a half hour away, ask them to soak some newspapers in water and wrap it...
Mine usually comes in wet newspaper. I got a shipment by UPS from WaltSmith and it was in a plastic bags, no paper, some peices were quite dry, but it is the best rock I have ever had in a tank. The rock is pourous and retains water inside where the creatures live. It should be fine(according to WaltSmith) for three to five days without water.


the lfs i go to, which is an amazing store that only deals with salt water, doesn't even paper towels on the lr. just puts them in two plastic bags, sometimes styrofoam. same with live sand. they drain out as much water as possible and dump it into a bag. i didn't have a problem with it, i've gotten quite a few neat little creatures with my lr! and i live about an hour away from the store.
i have had people come in to my store wanting to buy lr, and then after they see that it isn't put in water, they change their mind.


people who want water w/ their LR have obviously never ordered LR thru mail system/online; I'm glad water isn't a requirement; that would mean an even HIGHER price to pay;not to mention would you really want that water that some LFS keep their LR in :D


Active Member
One of the LFS I go to does put it in a styrofoam box with no water. I have not had any problems.


I wouldn't want the water that the LFS has. However, I don't want the baby starfish, copepods, little mushrooms, tube worms, etc dieing because they are out in the open for to long.


Active Member
Both my LFS send LR home in just a plastic bag. Probably not much of an issue unless it will be a long time before you can get the LR in your tank (30 minutes or more).


Active Member
The two stores I shop at do it diffrently.One wraps the rock in wet newspaper and use a styrofoam box.The other wraps it in newspaper and dips it in the water,Then bags it in plastic and fills with oxygen.Either suits me fine but rock can be out of the water form any where up to a hour.