LFS misleading?


I have been going to all the local lfs's in my area asking questions trying to get a feel for who knows what. I have came accross some good and some bad information and have narrowed my usual places down.
The question most recently possed has to do with filtration. I have been told by two stores that in my 55 gal. with 55 lbs. LR all I will need is my protein skimmer and a few powerheads in my tank for water flow. They have told me that I do not need my HOB biowheel filter as long as I have the live rock aand the protein skimmer for filtration. I have also been told not to run carbon with a reef tank. Would it be wise to get rid of the carbon in my filter and keep it with or without the bio wheels in it. the reason I am posing this question is because the HOB filter is taking up some room that I would rather use for lighing.


Active Member
They were right about not needing the HOB biowheel. The LR has enough bacteria so the biowheel isn't needed. I always run carbon on my tank to keep the water clearer and not smell so bad. It looses its effects after a few days, so I replace mine with a fresh batch of carbon once a week. I just put the carbon in my skimmer chamber, so if you do that you can just ditch the HOB biowheel altogether.


Thank you for that inforamtion now to further rack your brain what kind of flow should I be looking for and could you suggest a good powerhead.


well depending on what you plan on keeping in your tank... the most common flow is btwn 10x - 20x your tank... however 20x is usually more for a reef tank..
so I would say not anything lower than 550 gph... max-jets for a powerhead are always a favorite around here.. I have a magdrive.. they are pumps and i love that if you are looking for pumps.. but unless you plan on setting up a sump you won't need a pump just powerheads .. hope i could be a help :happyfish


Active Member
I always run a carbon filter on my tank. Keeps the water nice and clear. You do have to change the filters weekly though.
Maxijets are good powerheads. Go with several smaller ones instead of one or two larger ones. This produces a good, random current in your tank. Four MJ900's or 1200's would work, one at each corner pointing at each other.
Dont skimp out on a skimmer. This is one of the most important components of a reef tank. Go with a quality brand. I personally would recommend the AquaC line without hesitation. CPR is not as good, but a decent brand.


I know I have seen everyone rave about the Aqua C. I already have a Seaclone that I purchased before reading all of the coments about it. I have one that has all of the modifactions already done and it works great. I was told that it will take about a week for it to work properly I had foam build up the night I installed it. And the next morning there was about an 1/8" of liquid in the collection cup. It will be a week tomorrow and it is almost half full. It seems to me like it is doing very well for me I am happy with it.


i have looked at a few power heads and researched the whole water flow thing. I was wondering if the rotating units are any good i read that they are the best to create a more natural current. or should i just get four maxi jets and a wavemaker. is a wavemaker worth it?


Active Member
The rotating powersweeps by zoomed do what they're supposed to do....for the first 5 months. Then the rotating output gets sluggish and eventually stops moving all together.
A wavemaker would be great if you have the extra money. Otherwise, just the powerheads would be fine.


Active Member
Your q regarding filtration/liverock/protein skimmer cannot be accuratley answered without knowing your bioload. IMO...one pound of live rock per gallon in a medium to heavily stocked system may not be enough filtration. IMO...if a lightly stocked tank you are okay...medium-heavy stocked you should have at least 1.5-2 pounds per gallon.


Originally Posted by Juiced_RL
I know I have seen everyone rave about the Aqua C. I already have a Seaclone that I purchased before reading all of the coments about it. I have one that has all of the modifactions already done and it works great. I was told that it will take about a week for it to work properly I had foam build up the night I installed it. And the next morning there was about an 1/8" of liquid in the collection cup. It will be a week tomorrow and it is almost half full. It seems to me like it is doing very well for me I am happy with it.

I just bought a Seaclone. What mods??????


there were a few DIY articles out that gave some mods you could do to the original seaclone skimmers that made them work better like drilling a hole in the collection cup lid and shortening the tubes in the unit. I guess someone from marineland who makes the skimmer and added the mods to the new design.
I have decided to keep the HOB and add three maxi jet 600 power heads and the skimmer i am just going to keep the lighting i have for awhile and just do soft corals. My Tomatoe is loving the new power heads he is swimming in the water flow. I guess he thinks it is a tread mill for fish. I am enjoying watching his new found work out.