LFS QT for you???


I've mentioned this before, but I wanted to share and find out if this is really feasible. My lfs has 2 1500g systems for their fish. The 2 systems look identical, both are in the store in a bunch of small to medium tanks, just like any other store. But over the tanks on one side of the room is "Quarantine, New Arrivals" The one system is on hypo. When they get an order in of 100 or so fish they OT all of them for 4 weeks but still have them on display so you can pick and choice which one you want. You can pay for them then when the hypo is over you can take them home. This is something new they are doing, I love it.
So does that mean that I don’t have to QT my fish from their store. Because as long as I buy fish only from them, I will never get ich in my tank??? :thinking:


Active Member
If you buy all your fishes from their it means YOU don't have to. I'm buying all my fishes from the store which quarantines to save me the money of buying a QT tank


Active Member
It depends on what they truly mean by hypo, and how well they are monitoring it. Some may also argue about whether 4 weeks is enough. So ask what their hypo level is. In addition, if they add any new fish during that time, it could be an issue. So if you add new fish to the system two weeks in, it could expose the fish that are in there to a new round of parasites.
But kudos to that LFS! That is a really good start!


My LFS quarantines their fish for 3 weeks and allows you to pick them and purchase them at that time as well. They will then hold them for another 2 weeks after that. I love them and will not buy fish anywhere else.