LFS Rant


I think it mind boggling that when I go to an LFS and they tell me a fish they have in the display will cost 3x the price because it takes them 6 hours to get it out of the display. It is not like I am going to the Local aquarium to buy a fish, its a fish store right?!
A- If you really think it will take 6 hours to remove, why would you put the fish in the display to begin with if you are planning on selling it? Especially if you are going to claim that you have to break down the entire tank to get out one fish. This is mind boggling to me.
B- Unless you have a HUGE display , Then I don't believe that it would take 4-6 hours to catch anything in it. I have had many fish tanks, and unless we are talking about a fish that burrows or hangs out in the rocks all day, it does not in fact take this kind of time to catch a fish.
Ok / Rant


That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard
BUT I WILL SAY THIS....I have been to a store that WILL NOT sell a fish out of their "display" tanks because they will not tear it apart to catch it
and I can tell you this also.....It took me months...and YES....I had to tear apart my 225G to get out a KILLER DAMSEL


Originally Posted by meowzer http:///forum/thread/386432/lfs-rant#post_3394309
That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard
BUT I WILL SAY THIS....I have been to a store that WILL NOT sell a fish out of their "display" tanks because they will not tear it apart to catch it
and I can tell you this also.....It took me months...and YES....I had to tear apart my 225G to get out a KILLER DAMSEL
I don't even want this fish, just found this randomly browsing stores online the other day. I saw the price and had to read what was up with this?
The only way I could see anything like this or the charge to catch another fish, is if I walk into a pet store and tell them "I HAVE to have that fish in the display and please won't you sell it to me?!"
If you want to sell it, don't put it in your display tank.


The sign on the display tanks at my LFS has a sign on it that says "Fish in this tank not for sale" so I don't bother but when I say I am interested in a particular fish thats in a display tank they are usually good about getting that fish in their next livestock shipment, which is every other Friday, so that fish is usually available for sale within a week or two.


What drove me nuts, is that this site on my local forum advertised a good price on the fish I wanted, so when I went to get it and they told me it was going to be Triple the posted price because it was in the display (Shipment only came in a day earlier), I was irritated.
Anyway, just a pet peeve of mine. Like I said, if I went in on an impulse buy and saw something I had to have out of a display tank etc, I could understand them wanting to charge more for removal (it would probably sway people from buying it on purpose), but advertising the fish to get you into their store and then pulling something like that, terrible approach.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Tanuki http:///forum/thread/386432/lfs-rant#post_3394302
I think it mind boggling that when I go to an LFS and they tell me a fish they have in the display will cost 3x the price because it takes them 6 hours to get it out of the display. It is not like I am going to the Local aquarium to buy a fish, its a fish store right?!
A- If you really think it will take 6 hours to remove, why would you put the fish in the display to begin with if you are planning on selling it? Especially if you are going to claim that you have to break down the entire tank to get out one fish. This is mind boggling to me.
B- Unless you have a HUGE display , Then I don't believe that it would take 4-6 hours to catch anything in it. I have had many fish tanks, and unless we are talking about a fish that burrows or hangs out in the rocks all day, it does not in fact take this kind of time to catch a fish.
Ok / Rant
If a costomer really, really, really insists they want that fish, not one like it...but that fish. Yes a store will take it all apart to catch the fish for you and yes, they make you pay dearly for all the hassle. They don't want you to buy that fish, but if you insist you want it, they will sell anything in the store for a profit.
It stresses every other fish in the display, they take a chance of stirring something bad up in the sand and under the rock. After you go on your merry way with your new fish they get to spend hours rearranging the rock, and not crushing the fish already in the tank to do so. They have to move the sand to one side so the rock is on the bottom, and that means another can of worms with cloudiness.
So there is more than just "catching" the fish that takes 4 to 6 hours.
LOL..Rant right back.


Your LFS actually has a black unicorn tang and put it in their display tank instead of selling it? WTH is wrong with them?
That being said, it is common practice to not sell fish that are in the display tanks at a LFS. It's usually not written in any of the stores that I go to, but you're expected to know, and if you do ask, expect an outrageous price.


I do understand what you are saying Flower, but that's not exactly what I am saying.
If they have a display and you beg them for a fish in it, they can charge what they want. That is fine with me.
It is when they advertise a fish that is on sale and you go in to buy said fish, and they tell you they dumped both of the fish from the shipment into the display tank and you have to pay extra to get the fish out, that is what bothers me.
Display tanks should be just that, for DISPLAY.
If you are going to put an item on sale, but then knock up the price by throwing it in your DISPLAY TANK a day after you post the sale price, then you are nuts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tanuki http:///forum/thread/386432/lfs-rant#post_3394569
I do understand what you are saying Flower, but that's not exactly what I am saying.
If they have a display and you beg them for a fish in it, they can charge what they want. That is fine with me.
It is when they advertise a fish that is on sale and you go in to buy said fish, and they tell you they dumped both of the fish from the shipment into the display tank and you have to pay extra to get the fish out, that is what bothers me.
Display tanks should be just that, for DISPLAY.
If you are going to put an item on sale, but then knock up the price by throwing it in your DISPLAY TANK a day after you post the sale price, then you are nuts.
I agree with you. That should never be the advertised reason why a fish costs so much money. If they know that they are going to have to sell it at a crazy price, just don't put it up for sale. If someone asks for it, that is a different story. I'm not even sure I would pay $300 for a black unicorn tang. I've seen them at least a few times in my area.


Any idea why the link to that tang disappeared? That wasn't even the fish I was looking at, just an example to prove my point. Did a moderator delete the link? Did I cross a line?


Originally Posted by Tanuki http:///forum/thread/386432/lfs-rant#post_3394615
Any idea why the link to that tang disappeared? That wasn't even the fish I was looking at, just an example to prove my point. Did a moderator delete the link? Did I cross a line?
Because it was a link to a competitor site. I actually tried to delete it earlier, but couldn't do it from my phone so another moderator did.


New Member
Sounds like they have been doing this to get more money from people on purpose.. Who knows, they may have an identical fish like it in a back room tank and just tell you they had to get it out of there, then they get the extra money. Thus the reason they had 2.. in there.. You never know and can never truly trust anyone! BAIT AN SWITCH at its best.. PUN totally intended!