LFS says I can keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank...


I'd go with the retarded / wants the money idea......
Another good one is when the lfs says the fish will only get as big as the tank. So if your tanks 12 * 12 * 12.. then your shark gets 12 * 12 * 12.....
You have to love the money hungrey lfs


Active Member
you asked:
Is she retarded or what? i say she is "what", i don't think retarded is enough


OK, I'll bite even though this thread is probably from a TROLL.
Can you keep a banded in a 55 gallon tank?
YES. You can keep a newly hatched banded in a 55 for about 6 to 8 months. After that it will have to be moved to a larger tank since it will now be longer than the 12 inch width of a 55.
Long term, you will need a tank about 5 times the size of a 55 to properly house a banded for the rest of its life.
A 29 gallon. No way. Maybe the egg but after it hatches it will have to be moved.
If the 55 is a short term home while you prepare a 300 gallon for the shark, than yes it will work.
Here is a summary.
55 good short term.
55 no good long term.
300 good long term.
29 no good at all.
Oh yeah. If the poster is a TROLL, then you suck, but I ansered anyway.
Not trolling, I just don't usually post in here :cool: My friend wanted me to get it and I tried to explain to him that the lady was on crack and it wouldn't work, So I thought I would ask here to see what real aquarists thought.
Besides, trolls don't have 40 posts before they start trolling.