LFS took me for $900


Active Member
Originally Posted by StingrayJs
Hopefully you will get everything running ok. 7g yea 1 fish would be max and a small one at that. But you very much so need and hopfulyy can find another lfs knear you. Mine here sells 25g longs (used) for I think $5. Might even be time to send some info to the better buisness buero abou them if tey are doing things like that. :mad:

I fail to see what and why the BBB would even want to get involved. Its not like they sold inferior stuff or took payment and did not deliver.
And I just have to say throw this in. The statement about needing info and going to a grocery store...well I hate to tell yu but just thjis past Monday I happened to see exactly that. The one large local chain here also sells lawn mowers and odds and ends what they call seasonal items. and setting right there up fron t near the check out registers is a rowq of lawn mowers. MOnday a lady was whining and complaining to a store clerk (IIRC he usually works in produce ;-), ) that her just purchased lawnmower would not stay running, and could he look at it since she had it out in the trunk of the car. Evidently she just bought it this past weekend.........scary huh? Oh and this major chain store is a grocery store....


Originally Posted by Missi
Yeah, he doesn't seem very friendly. I expect that that will happen in most online activity though.
Thanks for your good advice.
You'll find a lot of idiots like that here. Well, not a lot but enough to aggravate you.
Don't bring the Tang back until you settle on the credit. Once you're in the store with fish in bag they kind of have you by the nerts, if you know what I mean. You should get full credit. If anything offer to let them keep it in quarantine for a week to make sure it's fully healthy. Then they have no excuse to offer less than what you paid. I brought back a Flame Angel that was practically maggot food and got a half credit, when the LFS usually only gives that to freshly dead fish within 3 days of purchase. You've already spent 900 bucks there (for a 20 gallon, no less). Let them know you're aware that you got a pretty bad deal on that. You should get full credit on the Tang.
Good luck with the tank and be prepared to let Emmitt know what you're tank dimensions are. Inside joke.


Originally Posted by mystic7
You'll find a lot of idiots like that here. Well, not a lot but enough to aggravate you.
Don't bring the Tang back until you settle on the credit. Once you're in the store with fish in bag they kind of have you by the nerts, if you know what I mean. You should get full credit. If anything offer to let them keep it in quarantine for a week to make sure it's fully healthy. Then they have no excuse to offer less than what you paid. I brought back a Flame Angel that was practically maggot food and got a half credit, when the LFS usually only gives that to freshly dead fish within 3 days of purchase. You've already spent 900 bucks there (for a 20 gallon, no less). Let them know you're aware that you got a pretty bad deal on that. You should get full credit on the Tang.
Good luck with the tank and be prepared to let Emmitt know what you're tank dimensions are. Inside joke.
What a surprise, mystic is
again as usual.

Seriously though, you should listen to mystic about returns. He has as many deaths in his tank as anyone you'll find, so he should be an expert on it by now


Originally Posted by emmitt
What a surprise, mystic is
again as usual.

Seriously though, you should listen to mystic about returns. He has as many deaths in his tank as anyone you'll find, so he should be an expert on it by now

Did I fall prey to a love triangle?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Missi
Did I fall prey to a love triangle?

You'll understand once you're on this board for awhile.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mystic7
You'll find a lot of idiots like that here. Well, not a lot but enough to aggravate you.



Originally Posted by emmitt
What a surprise, mystic is
again as usual.

Seriously though, you should listen to mystic about returns. He has as many deaths in his tank as anyone you'll find, so he should be an expert on it by now

You know, I looked everywhere for a picture of your "tank" and I couldn't find anything. What are you hiding? I guess you won't have any deaths if you don't have any fish to begin with. How's that "180" coming along.
This is another of those idiots who values "specs" over actual aesthetic beauty.


Active Member
Kind of harsh on someone that doe snot have apic of a tank. I donpt habve any either and agree with Emmett......A pic doe snot prove a darnthing one way or another. I sitl fail to see where you were ripped off. No weapon held to your head, no kids or relatives or frieinds held ransom until the transaction finalized, yu walked out of that shop a happy camper by all accounts, only to find yu paid more and bought stuff yu did not really need, then got smart and think that the lfs should chage its policy just to please your lack of knowledge.......There may be a cooling off period on a car or house purchase, but certainly not in a lfs......Wake up and smell the roses, you and you alone are resposnible fo rcounting out what green stuff is needed, Yu and you alone are responsible for siging that check..get over it. Go do your homework and research........and just because folks dissagree with you does not make them idiots or jerks.......Why not make a phone callto your states attorney general and complain, maybe we can see it on the 6 oclcock news.


What a surprise! Mystic is too stupid to do a search

Big talk from someone who cant keep a coral and needs a fancy camera and photoshop before he posts
Nothing to hide, do a little search(or have someone smart do it for ya), you'll find it.


Originally Posted by mystic7
You'll find a lot of idiots like that here. Well, not a lot but enough to aggravate you.
Don't bring the Tang back until you settle on the credit. Once you're in the store with fish in bag they kind of have you by the nerts, if you know what I mean. You should get full credit. If anything offer to let them keep it in quarantine for a week to make sure it's fully healthy. Then they have no excuse to offer less than what you paid. I brought back a Flame Angel that was practically maggot food and got a half credit, when the LFS usually only gives that to freshly dead fish within 3 days of purchase. You've already spent 900 bucks there (for a 20 gallon, no less). Let them know you're aware that you got a pretty bad deal on that. You should get full credit on the Tang.
Good luck with the tank and be prepared to let Emmitt know what you're tank dimensions are. Inside joke.

And pigs will fly. Good luck on your stupitidy. I'm rooting for you.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Kind of harsh on someone that doe snot have apic of a tank. I donpt habve any either and agree with Emmett......A pic doe snot prove a darnthing one way or another. I sitl fail to see where you were ripped off. No weapon held to your head, no kids or relatives or frieinds held ransom until the transaction finalized, yu walked out of that shop a happy camper by all accounts, only to find yu paid more and bought stuff yu did not really need, then got smart and think that the lfs should chage its policy just to please your lack of knowledge.......There may be a cooling off period on a car or house purchase, but certainly not in a lfs......Wake up and smell the roses, you and you alone are resposnible fo rcounting out what green stuff is needed, Yu and you alone are responsible for siging that check..get over it. Go do your homework and research........and just because folks dissagree with you does not make them idiots or jerks.......Why not make a phone callto your states attorney general and complain, maybe we can see it on the 6 oclcock news.
i don't own a LFS and i agree with this guy. maybbe you should have posted here FIRST BEFORE you dropped $900 instead of crying about your ignorance. Next time don't run down to the LFS with money in your pigtails. people like you SHOULD be taken.


Gentlemen, gentlemen.
I think we have gotten a little over the top with the critisism. Don't you?
It is a 50/50 responsibility and this young lady has learned a valuable lesson I'm sure.
But to digress into this sort of bashing is certainly not necessary.
If you feel that you cannot converse with a degree of decorum, I would suggest taking the prudent route and bite your tongue. (something I wrestle with on occassion!)
Everyone at one time or another has made mistakes, no one was born into full knowledge of salt water aquarium keeping. And everyone has the right to lament those mistakes.
We have all been there, myself included.
But lets remember regardless of our personal opinions to a least remain civil.


Active Member
Well when the liberal types stop their whining and crying and name calling because every one doe snot see this or any other acitn the same as they see it, then this nonesense will stop. But to start throwing names at people like idiots etc just because they do not agree is assinine to say the least. My statement still stands no one held her untilshe paid up and she did not have her arm twisted in any way to force her into buying what she did. Its not the petshos responsibility to look ouyt for anyone.....but their own self. face it its the facts of life. Who knows maybe there is enough folks in that town that are easy to part with their money that they do very well indeed practicing their current business affairs and have no concern on loseing a customer. Odds are if they are in business over 3 or 4 years they are doing just fine with whatever business practices they use........but to side up with someone that was readily eager tp throw down the moola without any research on their part are destined to whine and cry and not see things like they really are.........they need to take off their rose colored glasses and look at the real way things are in life. Yes there are superb shops out there, but there are pityfull shops too........but its sitll certianly not that LFS's fault in any way for her buying what she bought, most likely on impulse. There is no 50/50 involved on either parties part. Reality is its a dog eat dog world and its part of life, the buyer needs to be aware of what their money is buying......being straightup and honest, I probbaly would have done the samething too, if some one withut a clue dropped in eager to spend some change, hey my kids have to eat too and I have requirements and bills as well........and a buck is a buck...its not like she was robbed or ripped, face it....it was sheer ignorance on her part.


Wow! Where to start?
As anyone here knows I enjoy stimulating conversation. I will attempt to heed my own advice and make sure my comments are civil.
Its not the petshos responsibility to look ouyt for anyone.....but their own self.
True but, not a wise business model.
but to side up with someone that was readily eager tp throw down the moola without any research on their part are destined to whine and cry and not see things like they really are.........they need to take off their rose colored glasses and look at the real way things are in life.
I am curious, would your attitude be different if it were say, your daughter and someone sold her a junk car? I mean, after all few teenage girls are automotive experts. Shame on her if she didn't properly examine all the interworkings of the combustion engine. Maybe you would in this case suggest automotive school before making a purchase. Or else by your logic she gets what she deserves.
There is no 50/50 involved on either parties part. Reality is its a dog eat dog world and its part of life,
So in your opinion, its a free for all with no responsibility for honesty, integrity or moral obligation.
I probbaly would have done the samething too, if some one withut a clue dropped in eager to spend some change, hey my kids have to eat too and I have requirements and bills as well........and a buck is a buck
Interesting take. I feel this speaks volumns. Indicative of the money first, me first, mentality. And as everyone knows the state of society has gotten to be sooo pleasant and civil, think this could have something to do with it?
Morality has certainly taken no root in the up bringing of some adults. Thats ashame, this sort of behavior is usually outgrown after grade school.
You know what I'm referring to, what is it children say? Oh yeah, "finders keepers" or how about "you snooze you lose".
its not like she was robbed or ripped, face it....it was sheer ignorance on her part.
I find these sort of comments the excuse of people looking to shurk personel responsibility.
After all, the "its not my fault mentality" is what you have been accusing this lady of.
Seems as though this is a popular theme. Good example, glad you used it to prove my point.
There, now wasn't that better than name calling. We have the ability to discuss differences in an adult manner. Much more constructive IMO.
Keep in mind I have no beef with you chipmaker or any others, however I find the callous nature of some of the comments posted here disturbing and more than a little unnecessary.


Active Member
It seems to me that this attitutude on life is one harbored by a person who is guilty himself(or herself) of cunducting this type of business. Enjoys the profits it reaps them and wants to be able to sleep well at night and look at theirself in the mirror.


Originally Posted by moby
Wow! Where to start?
I am curious, would your attitude be different if it were say, your daughter and someone sold her a junk car? I mean, after all few teenage girls are automotive experts. Shame on her if she didn't properly examine all the interworkings of the combustion engine. Maybe you would in this case suggest automotive school before making a purchase. Or else by your logic she gets what she deserves. Moby

I wouldn't give my daughter $900 and set her up for failure. If you did, you did your daughter a dis-service.


Active Member
That wasnt the question. Would you be mad if you daughter was sold (her own money) a junk car by someone? Was the question.


Caution, the following usage may be found in the previous posts!
Websters dictionary

Pronunciation: "hI-p&-'the-ti-k&l
Function: adjective
: being or involving a hypothesis : CONJECTURAL <hypothetical arguments> <a hypothetical situation>
Originally Posted by moby
Wow! Where to start?
I am curious, would your attitude be different if it were say, your daughter and someone sold her a junk car? I mean, after all few teenage girls are automotive experts. Shame on her if she didn't properly examine all the interworkings of the combustion engine. Maybe you would in this case suggest automotive school before making a purchase. Or else by your logic she gets what she deserves.

I wouldn't give my daughter $900 and set her up for failure. If you did, you did your daughter a dis-service.
See above definition from dictionary.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Kind of harsh on someone that doe snot have apic of a tank. I donpt habve any either and agree with Emmett......A pic doe snot prove a darnthing one way or another. I sitl fail to see where you were ripped off. No weapon held to your head, no kids or relatives or frieinds held ransom until the transaction finalized, yu walked out of that shop a happy camper by all accounts, only to find yu paid more and bought stuff yu did not really need, then got smart and think that the lfs should chage its policy just to please your lack of knowledge.......There may be a cooling off period on a car or house purchase, but certainly not in a lfs......Wake up and smell the roses, you and you alone are resposnible fo rcounting out what green stuff is needed, Yu and you alone are responsible for siging that check..get over it. Go do your homework and research........and just because folks dissagree with you does not make them idiots or jerks.......Why not make a phone callto your states attorney general and complain, maybe we can see it on the 6 oclcock news.
If you look at who is posting the disagreements, you'll find that it is not me!!!
I haven't disagreed with anyone, only praised everyone for their help. Yes, I did make a mistake and I'm living with it --- I only came here for advise to check and see if indeed they ripped me off -- no harm to anyone. Chill out.