LFS Trading


What could I expect my lfs to trade for these or what are these zoo frags worth to them?
Sorry pics aren't the best my camera is lousy with close ups.



At most a few bucks a piece, Zoanthids grow fast and almost everyone with a reef tank has some of it. Its very common and inexpensive.


i would think it's a 10 dollar frag for them to sell... so maybe 3 or 4 bucks... better off selling it to someone local or trading it.


Active Member
I'd see if they would want to trade instead. They might have a different color set of zoo's or maybe some polyps/mushrooms you might want.
Also, store credit would probably get you more =).


Active Member
Even with a trade don't expect to get another coral worth the same as your zoos. The LFS would want to at least make some profit.


Active Member
Yeah, I'm friends with mine which really goes a long way in this hobby.
Might want to use that one to split it off into a couple other colonies. The more colonies you have, the more growth you have, and in the end the more you have to trade. A little patience in the beginning helps a lot later on =).


Active Member
from what i understand at least with my lfs as a trade in price is half the amount they would resell for


Active Member
Does everyone's LFS's buy corals from them? I dont think mine do...lol.
But I could see that going for 15-20 bucks, probably 10 if you sold to a LFS.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zanoshanox
Does everyone's LFS's buy corals from them? I dont think mine do...lol.
But I could see that going for 15-20 bucks, probably 10 if you sold to a LFS.
You generally have to get to know the staff and demonstrate that you are competant in the hobby before they will give you cash for frags. They don't want Joe Shmoe bringing in half-dead corals lol.
Try giving a small frag to the store for free. Or you can give them a frag on a "probationary" period where if it lives long enough to where they sell it, then they give you credit. Once they see that your corals are good quality, they will more than likely be happy to buy your frags; it cuts out shipping costs for them and it cuts out the dieoff in shipping equation from their loss in profits.
Another good tip is to find out what employee is responsible for what part of the store. Usually one person is in charge of dry goods, one person is in charge of corals, etc.. Get to know these people on a friendly basis and you are in like Flynt. Almost everytime I go to the lfs now the guy who runs the saltwater section gives me free macro and gorgonian snippets and such.


Ok went to the lfs and they gave me $7 for the first zoo frag and $20 for a frag off my green frogspawn. All went towards the purchase of this clown tang. Paid $22.99 plus corals. I am very happy with the deal. The tang is doing great. He is quick and hard to get good pics of but here are a couple.
