LFS water!!


Every other week I am doing a 10% water change but I notice cyanide growing in some of my base rock. The lights are about a month old, I refill the evaporated water only with RO, I do not put extra chemicals in the water and the lights are on about 7 hours a day. The fish and the rest of the crew seem to be happy.
Any Ideas what am I doing wrong??? :notsure:


Active Member
I think you meant you notice cynobacteria growing on the rock? Cyanide would be toxic to the fish, and cause them to die of starvation.
However, how old is your tank?? Have you checked your water parameters lately? What are they reading at? How is the flow in the tank? Are there dead areas?


Thank you, thats what I meant. The LFS tested my water and they told me everything read good. I dont know the exact numbers. I have two PH and a strong return pump, No dead areas. The tank was a fish only for about two years and about a month ago I added more sand, new pc lights, base rocks and a few pieces of LR. I just dont know if the quality of the water I am buying is good or not. I get SW and RO water from the same LFS.


Active Member
Also, you need your own test kits rather than rely on the LFS.
Have they tested for phosphates?


You sure it's not coralline?
I wish it was coralline.
Can you post any pics?
working on the pic.
When you touch the bacteria/algae in question, is it easily scraped off?
Yes, it comes right out when I touch it.
Also, you need your own test kits rather than rely on the LFS.
I do have a read sea marine lab that test for NH3+4, NO2, N03, PH, and alk.
I also got another single kit to test CA.
What Im not sure is that this kit is all based on color charts not on specific numbers.
I havent test phosphates yet.


Active Member
If you are having algae or cyano problems then you need to test and treat phophates.


You said you have recently added sand. A year ago when I switched from CC to sand in one of my tanks I experience a cyno & diatom out break that lasted about four months. The general concensus was that the new sand was leaching silicates and phosphate. After a period of time and trying everthing it just disapeared. Your new sand might be the source of the problem.


After a week or so it will turn into a burgandy color covering everything. I had it once before and it killed a community of daisy polyps. I will go over the LFS to pick up a phosphate test kit today.
Thanks you guys for your assistance.