lfs won't sell to me!!!


Just went to a lfs to check out some mushrooms since I heard they're good for beginners but when I asked the owner if I could see them he didn't let me! He said anything less than a 120 gallon tank isn't worth the trouble and he doesn't want to deal with it. I've never been so insulted in my short saltwater career. This is the first time I've been to any store that didn't want to sell to a customer. Then he said that I should stick to the internet for information because his is exclusive and has different views. I turned my back on this pigheaded fool and walked straight out. You can't imagine how angry I was. :mad: :mad: <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
Why does he care what size tank you have??
I could understand if you wanted to buy a hard to keep clam or something like that!!!!!
Is the LFS one that exclusively sells to only tanks that they keep care of?
I mean you were just trying to buy mushrooms <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" /> <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />
that totally sux! i would just give him a piece of my mind and never go there again! also, just try to encourage any other hobbyists to leave that lfs in the dust! :mad:


I don't think the bleach would be very nice. It would only hurt the inhabitants. As far as buying from them, my friend was just about to pay for an entire 30 gallon set up at the register but I stopped him and we walked right out. What a JERK. I can maybe understand him not wanting to sell to a beginner but when I asked him for advice he made me feel like a fool. I thought my tank was small but what about nano reefs. Would they be shot for even stepping into the store. <img src="graemlins//yell.gif" border="0" alt="[yell]" />


Screw him. Buy your livestock from swf.com. They will probably beat any price he can afford to give you anyway. Plus, it is alot more convenient. Sounds like he doesn't want to stay in business for long. <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Amen! I was looking at some musrooms at another lfs and they were asking for 60-75 dollars for their reds and blues. SWF.com has them for only 35-40. It seems like everywhere I go the prices are about 20-35% more. The only thing I bought at my lfs was some lr for 8.99 and it looked crappy compared to the rock I got online.


There are too many good retailers to get hosed like that. Just find another one. That is the beauty of Capitalism - others will cater to the needs of the customer where others fail. He failed miserably. :(
I hope your next exp is better, buy online if you have to.


Active Member
hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, i would write a letter to the editor, and send him a copy,
this is one instance where naming probably would nothurt, it is not a slanderous bash, but stating how you were rudely treated and shunned for not buying everything from him, and if there is a problem with the name, the newspaper editor will not print it
and then, all my friends and their friends would know


If this guy is such a a--. I wouldn't waste any money there. I can't believe what people will do.
damn !!!


I could understand if he refused to sell you a mandarin, or a moorish idol, or perhaps a volitan lionfish....but mushrooms? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
And to suggest that anything under a 125 is not worth his trouble? That would burn me up too!!! :mad:
What a moron!!


I can not belive what that guy said to you. What an a__!! If I was you I would advise all my friend to not shop there he will get the picture when he is going under.


the guy having his point of views is one thing but he is so wrong.. mushroom can do great in a 5 gallon tank even multiply with the right care.. but dont ever go back


ace is right! i've some shrooms in a 6 gallon and they are doing great under the modified lighting that I installed. what a weird guy... I mean ISN'T HE DOING THIS FOR BUSINESS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD?! I sure wouldn't care who buys my shrooms as long as they pay.


MY lfs owner is cool as hell, he would not sell to a freind of mine (only sertain things) b/c he did not have a good filter but he is looking out for his creatures. Also he will BUY back stuff you buy, bring it in give it to him if its in good health he will take it, not like you will get alot for it but i have traded a few things. such as, A decent sized fox face and 40$ for a power blue tang, so i thought that was a pretty good deal. Also that guy is a **** , if you really want to buy **** there tell him you have a 300gal and that you are just trying little things to see how it looks b4 you put it inthe 300gal that why you have a 30. Also dont be mean to the livestock he has.. its not their falt hes a **** .
If you can just go though the store and do little things like turn off pumps, lights, filters, and so on nothing really big but would piss him off =)
Go somewere else, and well go down there and get like 400 dollars of live rock and what not and then be like na man i dont wont it, go F*Ck yourself. WOuld be funny to see his face after he weighed all the rock out, and got fish out and what not, then have you tell him you dont wont it. He would have to put it all back LOL
Good luck