LFS you must check out in Allentown,Pa


If you live in the lehigh valley or even near the Lehigh valley you must check out the new addition to Shear Heaven. They just added 3,000 gallons of saltwater to their shop. Im talking the most awsome coral and fish selection in the valley.


Originally Posted by morayeels
If you live in the lehigh valley or even near the Lehigh valley you must check out the new addition to Shear Heaven. They just added 3,000 gallons of saltwater to their shop. Im talking the most awsome coral and fish selection in the valley.

Everytime I'm there all the good stuff has been "spoken for". I always see some nice corals, but there is marker written on the tanks with someone's name saying sold.. I normally go to Something Fishy in Northampton. They've got a much better selection and WAY better prices...


you got to be kidding me. Something Fishy is the pits for corals. Half the stuff in the place is dead. And there aint one person that workes there that knows anything. Something Fishy is a JOKE!!!!


I agree with golden boy, something fishy is a much nicer place than shear heaven. I was at both yesterday, the prices are much better at something fishy, and IMO they seem to know a bit more. I have seen two employees at shear heaven argue over a coral, each saying it was a different kind. There are quite a few people at something fishy that know whats going on. any pet store that will talk me out of buying something earns some merrit with me.
Every saturday i end up at something fishy, and if we have time we make a stop at shear heaven. Both are nice shops, I just like something fishy better.


Active Member
morayeels, I am not attacking you, but I have noticed that you seem to start a lot of threads about "Shear Heaven" and you do a lot of bashing of "Something Fishy".
I do not know what the deal is here; whether you work for Shear Heaven, are friends with the owner there, if you have been wronged by Something Fishy in the past, or something along those lines, but I am just giving you a kind warning that this board is not intended to advertise stores and bash others to fit your personal agenda. Sharing your experiences is perfectly fine, but when many of your posts are putting over one store and putting down another, it just looks very suspicious and seems that you have personal interests at stake.


lion crazz
Im neither a friend of the owner or do I work there. I have been F---- by Something Fishy and so have several of my reef keeping pals. Shear Heaven is my place to shop. You might pay a little more but its worth it. I would rather spend money on a top quality coral at Shear Heaven then a half dead coral at Something Fishy. I just speek the facts. And who ever dont like so be it!!!!!!!!!!!
You know I always said there are 2 kind of reef keepers. The one that want every coral for as cheap as they can get them even if its half dead, and the other reef keeper who aint afraid to to pay top buck for a top of the line quality coral. I always thought that if its a coral worth having in your tank the you cant be afraid to pay for it.


I have had great experiences with both places. Each has its own things to offer. I do look forward to seeing how Shear Heaven't expansion turns out. For me, I love Something Fishy a bit better. I have made some amazing finds there.....great corals for great prices. Also, I have found the service to be friendly and great. Not to say that Shear Heaven is bad. I just prefer the atmosphere and knowledge that I have at Something Fishy.
Both stores are great, and I encourage people to check them out! Everyone has different reasons and preferences for going to their respective stores. The most important thing in my eyes is that we encourage people to expand their knowledge of this amazing life-long hobby and learn to find the additions that suit them the best!
Here is my 10 gallon reef tank with corals from both places:


Active Member
ya i really dont think one is better than the other,, all LFS are hit and miss.. some better prices sometimes some better prices others.. some cheaper corals some cheaper dry goods.. it never ends..


Active Member
Originally Posted by psusocr1
ya i really dont think one is better than the other,, all LFS are hit and miss.. some better prices sometimes some better prices others.. some cheaper corals some cheaper dry goods.. it never ends..
How far is Shear Haven from you?


Active Member
about 45 minutes give or take with traffic.. not really that far, plus im always in allentown so im right there


Active Member
Originally Posted by morayeels
lion crazz
Im neither a friend of the owner or do I work there. I have been F---- by Something Fishy and so have several of my reef keeping pals. Shear Heaven is my place to shop. You might pay a little more but its worth it. I would rather spend money on a top quality coral at Shear Heaven then a half dead coral at Something Fishy. I just speek the facts. And who ever dont like so be it!!!!!!!!!!!
You know I always said there are 2 kind of reef keepers. The one that want every coral for as cheap as they can get them even if its half dead, and the other reef keeper who aint afraid to to pay top buck for a top of the line quality coral. I always thought that if its a coral worth having in your tank the you cant be afraid to pay for it.
To reiterate my above post, this website and its message board is not intended to promote stores and put down other places. Just like it is not okay to post links to stores, it is not allowed to specifically direct people to a certain location. SWF.com does not get anything from allowing free advertising, and by advertising Shear Heaven, you are taking customers away from SWF.com.


I've never been to Shear Haven. I went to Something Fishy once and it was okay. The Hidden Reef, in Philly, was cool but I haven't been there since it burned down and relocated.
I LOVE That Fish Place/That Pet Place in Lancaster, though. It trumps everything.


Active Member
I'm locking this thread.
Morayeels, you have, under various usernames over the past couple of years, continually promoted this particular store at the expense of it's competitors.
If you want to be a contributing member to this forum that's awesome. This current trend will not be allowed to continue however.