lidless tank


i have recently switched my origianl canopy on my 10g nano, and i was wondering if anyone else has no lid between the water and their lighting.


Active Member
i have no lid on our tanks. IMO now that i have gong topless i dont think i would ever use a glass lid again. You get better gas exchange, better light, more evap so cooler tank.
all possitives. the only neg i can see are more top off but with a 10 gallon thats no big deal. and if you have a fish that tends to be skitich you may want to get some egg grate from your local hardware store just to prtect the fish from the light if they jump


Active Member
well not for me its not. but i use a product that prevents salt creep that seem to work great


yes what do you use to stop salt creep dead in its tracks...i have a major problem with salt creep and have no idea what causes it or how to control it...please help me on this issue :help:


well i am on my 3rd canopy that i made my has no top so it can let the heat out and the evaporation is not to first one is for a 20 gallon long tank and i have no problem with salt leaching out and i keep the water level about an inch from the top of the tank i also made one for my 29 gallon because the first one worked so good
right now i am on my 3rd canopy with no top it is for my 60 gallon tank the demensions for the canopy are length 50 inchs.....width is 16-1/2 inchs and the height is 8-1/8 inch i also plan on putting computer fans in this one.


Active Member
i use coralife salt creep eliminator.
works great for me. been using it for about a year and a half.


Couldn't you just get a screen cover to put over your tank? That way you still get good ventilation, keeps bugs and other baddies out and you can rest your light right on top. Just a thought. Anyone see any bad side to that? besides corrosion if you dont use stainless steel screen. You can even cut out part of the screen in the back for hang ons.
Thoughts? Problems?


As long as one keeps on top of top-off evaporation is a good thing: you're adding fresh water (literally and figuratively) to the tank! As far as egg crate: do you find it cuts off a lot of lighting or do you think it's no big deal??