life? cycling?


New Member
ok during ( by the way everyone I thank you for the help) the cycle period do I add anykind of life or do I just watch the levels until the zero out then start adding the life also if I add life during the cycle what is it that I need to add


add a frozen cocktail shrimp to start the cycle, some people say add a damsel but i wouldn't recommend it, they are aggressive, it might not live, and if it does you'll never get that bugger out of the live rock. Use a frozen cocktail shrimp, like the kind you find at the grocery store and just put it in the tank and let it stay there.


Active Member
Have you added anything to kickstart the cycle?
I would definitley not add any livestock until the cycle has completed.


Personally I would add a fresh raw dead shrimp from the deli or butcher shop, not a frozen one IMO.


New Member
ok so you are saying I should turn everything on and add 1 damsel fish I take it that it is the fish waste that starts the cycle and after the chemicals zero out the cycle is complete now can I still leave the damsel in the water or has it serve its reason and it is time for it to go?
also I have a aqua tech 60 filter right now or my setup along with 2 power heads I have a place that I add another aqua tech 60 filter would that be overkill or would that be added protection


Active Member
No need to add damsel.
Use a shrimp from grocery store (or frozen). It will not suffer in any way, unlike a live animal.


the shrimp already suffered its way thru the shrimp nets when it was caught, you just didn't get to see that part. had to do it sorry.