Life on the Rock


Just bought a VERY nice piece of fiji LR yesterday, and it has quite a nice amount of growth on it. The LFS had two nice chunks of yellow poylp rocks resting on top of it, so it has a couple yellow polyps itself. There are also some low lying patches of reddish-orange polyps. Anyone know what those could be?
The main thing I want to ID here are something I've never seen before. I don't know if they are considered polyps at all, but the rock is just covered in what looks like little volcanoes. In some of them, there are little organisms that, when closed up, just look like the 'volcano' crater is filled up, with a slit at the top. When they open up, the slit parts, and a small tongue darts out of the hole. They are really interesting to watch, and I would really love to know what they are. Anyone have an idea?
Thanks in advance!


Yeah, that's what I figured they were. I'd just never seen live barnacles before, they always looked white. I suppose they must be slightly like coral where they are colored when alive, and white when dead? Thanks for replying so quickly, I appreciate it! I think I'm gonna go do some searching now to learn some more stuff on those guys!


Active Member
I have one that is on a now vacant crab shell. I got the crab when I first started and didn't notice it on the shell at the time (actually the LFS just bagged 2 and I didnt care which ones). This has been a year ago---I just assumed it was a barnacle, was never sure. I could never figure out how to explain it here, and pics always came out blurry, thanks though---I understood yours LOL.