Life span of dwarf angels?


jackie dh

I noticed that my Flame Angel looks like he might be dieing. He's staying in one spot, wagging and kind of bobbing up and down a little. I've had him for around a year and a half and he has always done well. None of the other fish are acting strange, just this one. His color is pretty good, maybe just a little pale.
Do you think that it might just be old age?


Active Member
I have had mine nearly 5 years. Cant say how long they live and never know how old they are when there collected.


15-20 years is the 'normal' life span-I had one for 12 years and he was alive and kicking when I had to move to a new town and found new homes for all my stuff.
If your Flame was an adult when purchased, you dont know how old he may be. If he was a F'enfant (fishbaby) then something has definitely cut his life span short.