life spans?


New Member
Just out of curiosity (and to see what kind of fish keeper I turn out to be) whats the life spans of the more common breeds of fish like clowns, tangs, wrasses, damsels, etc?


Active Member
According to my ---- Mills reference book it lists the following spans;
Anemonefish and Damsels 1 to 3 years
Angels and Butterflys 3 to 6 years
Snappers, Triggers,Puffers 5 to 8 years
Batfish,Groupers, Lionfish 10 plus years
It states this is the averages for home tanks for public tanks they list the years as
Angels 9 to 17 years
Butterflies 9 to 18 years
Tangs 10 to 17 years
Damsels and Anemonefish 10 to 18 plus years
Triggers 11 to 17 years
Puffs and Porks 11 to 15 years
amemonefishes and damselsfishes 3-6 years
angelfishes, butterflyfishes 3-6 years
snappers,triggers, puffers 5-8 years
batfishs,groupers, lionfish - 10 + years
all of these years are based on the fish being in a home aquarium