Life w/o my skimmer but there has been a temporary change! Week 5 Update.


Active Member
druluv, I haven't been around much lately and was wondering what your trying to prove with this thread? Is it meant to allow others to see the progress of a system or to create tention?


Active Member
400w should be enough light. I think that montis prefer to be mounted on a rock though. Thats only because I've never seen one in the sand before.
I agree with this, you need to get water flow AROUND the coral, not just over it.
Good luck with the system, I was skimmerless 2 plus years and now i run a small skimmer. In a mixed reef it would be a good idea to run carbon to clean up the toxin warfare going on.:happy:


Active Member

Originally posted by ReefNut
druluv, I haven't been around much lately and was wondering what your trying to prove with this thread? Is it meant to allow others to see the progress of a system or to create tention?

He is trying this experiment but saying that this and that proves this and that only after a week or two. Then he changes something and after a few days he says that he has proof that this way now works. I have not really found anything new or original with his experiment. When his tank crashes due to going way to quick or changing it up way to often he will have no idea what caused it because he will have tried every approach without giving one time to anything.
Drual, so even though the majority have stated that you added stuff and went way to fast, you still feel that we are all wrong and you are right.