Light for 29g


I was wondering what type of light would be recomended for a 29g aquarium. I currently have pc's in the form of a 30" current orbit with 2x65w bulbs. I have some soft coral and am looking to get some polyps. Will 24" t5 unit stretch the length of the aquarium with the legs all the way out and if not would a 36" unit be ok on the aquaium? I'm looking to stay under $300 for the unit.


Active Member
you could do a retrofit 24" T-5 4 bulb unit and construct your own canopy to house it. It would allow you to keep pretty much anything as long as it is individually reflected.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
you could do a retrofit 24" T-5 4 bulb unit and construct your own canopy to house it. It would allow you to keep pretty much anything as long as it is individually reflected.
If I had the chance to do it over again I would do this. I purchased the current 4x24 sundial which is ok but I would rather have the icecap retro 4x24 with the 660 ballast.
good luck.


Nova Extreme has a 30" as well. I picked up a 24" and it's legs do extend the 30" length to hold onto the tank. As far as the the light, it fills the tank.