light in a refuge


Active Member
im making a fuge in a 30 gallon tank 36l/12w/16h i found a pc light at home depot for $12 its 26 wats and 3500k. is that a good light


Several People told me that any light would do for the sump I am using a similar growing light $16.00. I think it is good enough, and finaly something that doesn't cost a bundle.



Active Member
Try wally world. You will find some compact fluorescents made by lights of America called daylight bulbs. They come in at around 6500K 30 wats. Light and fixer including mounting clamp are around 17 bucks. I use two of these in my 30 gal fuge.


just like with other lights that you use in your tank, the more watts the better, well within reason. me and my friend have the same setup, except for the light on our fuge... ive got a basic strip flourescent with a grow light bulb in it, and my fuge is doing ok, and everything is growing. well in his he is running a 65 watt PC fixture over his, and he has so much more growth than i do!!! the growth is actually about 3 times the growth that ive got in mine. the moral of this story is that just about any light with the right spectrum, around 6500k will work fine, but the more watts you have the more growth you will recieve...
oh by the way lowes sells small round metal fixtures that will take a screw in bulb, kinda like a shop light, just smaller. they are very inexpensive, im going to get one for my fuge soon. and they have the correct spectrum bulbs to fit it... i think that the fixture was about 60 watts for around $10-15!!!


Active Member
Home Depot sells a LOA light that is a 65w PC 6500k that works very well for refuge's. I personally would not use anything under a 5500k light.
I bought a 30watt PC light for my refug, but it came with a smart lamp...10k on one side actinic on the other...for around $70.
I keep polyps and corals alive under it
I have used cheap lights from lowes, and while they do work, in the long run I have paid twice for the lights.
Once for the cheap ones, and once for the right ones. :mad:
Of course, if your choice is no lights or cheap lights, get the cheap ones.